Google Play on Thursday said that the company will continue to invest in India on solving for local opportunities and challenges, as it celebrated its 10th anniversary.Indian apps and games saw a 200 per cent increase in active monthly users .
New Delhi, Aug 18 (IANS): Google Play on Thursday said that the company will continue to invest in India on solving for local opportunities and challenges, as it celebrated its 10th anniversary.Indian apps and games saw a 200 per cent increase in active monthly users and an 80 per cent increase in consumers spends in 2021 compared to 2019 on Google Play.Aditya Swamy, Director, Play Partnerships, said that local developers are finding global audiences with Indian apps and games, seeing a 150 per cent increase in time spent by users outside India in 2021 compared to 2019 on Google Play.“We will continue to invest in initiatives that enable a diverse range of developers to build helpful apps and successful businesses on Play,” Swamy said in a blog post.“We want to help every developer with an idea capitalise on the potential to reach 2.5 billion monthly active users and 190 countries with Google Play,” he added. India is uniquely positioned to become a leading hub
Indian apps and games saw a 200 per cent increase in active monthly users in 2021 compared to 2019, a Google Play official said in a blog post on Thursday.
As per a blog by Aditya Swamy, Director, Play Partnerships, in 2021 there was also an 80% increase in consumer spending on Google Play compared to 2019