Adipurush Trailer: In a momentous celebration of cinematic brilliance intertwined with spiritual reverence, director Om Raut, producer Bhushan Kumar and actors – Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Sunny Singh and Devdatta Nage along with dialogue writer Manoj Muntashir and music director Ajay-Atul launched the highly anticipated final trailer of the magnum opus at Tirupati.
Adipurush Final Trailer left the fans in awe, igniting unprecedented excitement on social media. Heres how the fans reacted to the trailer of Prbahas, Kriti Sanon and Saif Ali Khans film!
Adipurush Trailer: The Victory Of Lord Ram: Adipurush, the adoption of the Indian mythological Ramayana, that is the war between good over evil and the film trailer is out now. The film is gearing up for its June 16th release.
Adipurush Trailer Launch LIVE Updates: The trailer of Prabhas starrer has received largely positive response from people who watched it on Monday during an exclusive preview.