Near the end of 2021, a flurry of decisions that significantly affect employers facing and settling Private Attorneys General Act PAGA lawsuits were published.
On January 11, 2022, Judge Cunningham of the Los Angeles Superior Court conditionally approved a $7.5 million agreement to settle three overlapping Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA).
Vincent Fried, a manicurist at a salon in the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas, was sexually propositioned by a customer. Fried immediately went to his manager to report the customer, at which point the manager allegedly told him to just go and get it over with despite the lewd comments.
In recent months, a split of authority has emerged in the California Court of Appeal regarding whether a nonparty aggrieved employee has standing to intervene in a Private Attorneys.
Gunther v. Alaska Airlines, Inc., 72 Cal. App. 5th 334 (2021) - Summary: Heightened civil penalties under Labor Code section 226.3 ($250 & $1,000) do not apply to all.