Thu, 02/04/2021 - 3:08pm meganj
John Flowers ANDY NAGY-BENSON, SENIOR pastor of the Congregational Church of Middlebury, is spearheading “Table 21,” a pop-up nonprofit that will disburse $300,000 in donated money to local restaurants and farms financially hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Photo by Caleb Kenna
Found pennies come from heaven
That’s what my grandpa told me.
He said Angels tossed them down
Oh, how I loved that story!
So goes the Charles Mashburn poem, a cute ode to found money.
The Congregational Church of Middlebury is living its own version of the poem, and it speaks to a much larger sum $300,000 recently donated by a distant angel dedicated to easing the financial burdens of Middlebury-area restaurants and farms hurt by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Tue, 01/12/2021 - 10:55am tim
by Fred Kenney, Executive Director, Addison County Economic Development Corp and President of the Regional Development Corporations of Vermont When COVID-19 hit, businesses and organizations across Vermont were scrambling to adapt to a new virtual and contactless world. In response to the changing economy, the Regional Development Corporations of Vermont (RDCs) worked quickly to launch the ReStart Vermont Technical Assistance Program, or ReVTA program, designed to deliver critically important technical assistance to hundreds of businesses and organizations looking to adapt business practices, retrofit space and access new technologies.
The magic behind this effort is its simplicity. The RDCs of Vermont twelve independent entities collaborated as we often do, to put the critical needs of businesses and organizations front and center in our pandemic response.