The group’s chief financial officer Jugeshinder Singh recently said it plans to list Adani New Industries, Adani Airport Holdings, AdaniConneX, its metal and mining units, and Adani Road Transport on the stock exchanges between 2026 and 2028.
Adani Transmission has denied reports that Abu Dhabi National Energy Co (TAQA) will be investing $2.5bn into Adani Group firms or a single entity. Following the report earlier today, shares of Adani group firms Adani Green Energy, Adani Energy Solutions and Adani Power jumped up to 12% in Friday s trade on BSE.
Karnataka Industries Minister MB Patil said in an interview to a private news channel that they will "give time" to the Adani group to "come up with proposals".
A fallout of this report was the group halting some investments, cutting down on capital expenditure, and considering a different approach towards financing its projects, according to Bloomberg.