Adani Green Energy (AGEL) shares rose nearly 4% to Rs 1,882 in Wednesday s trade on BSE after the firm said that it has operationalized 551 MW solar capacity in Khavda, Gujarat, by supplying power to the national grid.
The conglomerates finances have drawn close scrutiny ever since Hindenburg Research accused it of fraud and stock manipulation, claims Adani has repeatedly denied. The bombshell report triggered a rout in the groups shares and bonds, suggesting it would have to pay dearly when next raising capital.
The conglomerate’s finances have drawn close scrutiny ever since Hindenburg Research accused it of fraud and stock manipulation, claims Adani has repeatedly denied. The bombshell report triggered a rout in the group’s shares and bonds, suggesting it would have to pay dearly when next raising capital.
Adani Green Energy Ltd on Monday reported consolidated net profit of Rs 256 crore in the December 2023 quarter, registering a rose of 148.5 per cent on a year-on-year (YoY) basis.