Adani Green Energy said the operational capacity jumped 43 per cent to 8,316 MW YoY, with the addition of 1,750 MW solar–wind Hybrid, 212 MW solar and 554 MW wind power plants, the Gautam Adani-led company said.
On March 2, the Adani Group said that GQG Partners had invested Rs 15,446 crore ($1.87 billion then) in flagship Adani Enterprises (Rs 5,460 crore), Adani Ports & SEZ (Rs 5,282 crore), Adani Transmission (Rs 1,898 crore), and Adani Green Energy (Rs 2,806 crore).
Adani Green: AGEL RG1 operates solar generation assets with a combined capacity of 930MW. The rating, Fitch said, was underpinned by long-term power purchase agreements and commercially proven technology with a pure solar portfolio.
Adani Green Energy’s board meet was already once rescheduled from May 13 to May 24. Initially, Adani Green Energy had on May 10 said its board would consider fundraising on May 13.
GQG Partners' billions worth of investment in Adani stocks had come on a day the Supreme Court asked the market regulator Sebi to conduct an investigation to ascertain if the conglomerate violated market norms.