where they saying, and what were you guys saying to them? overall they were very, scared we were trying to get the must come as we could and what is for fun just dealing with kids you have to give them distracted and give them assignments so to speak. you need them to help us in a way to get them down and would tell them hey, we need you guys to do this, or something distracting them enough to keep them calm. how old were they? i believe the ages were from eight to teenagers, and there was an adult gentleman as well. and then also, lieutenant, you could not just, i think from what i have, red you could not just you had to tether them, or maybe they already were tethered together. what complicated this rescue? so because of how the cars are designed, when you use the key to open up a harnesses for would come off at once. some had more people and, them soviet to tether the other side to make sure and then, just individually
that this was feet up in the air we don t have that specialized training in order to affect that rescue, and there is other trucks, specialized rescue teams, and this is what they specialize in. lieutenant, this is you that we see in this video in the so i think that issue we are watching right there. so it took hours. how did you were you talking to the people hanging upside down? how are you keeping them calm while doing this? yes we were talking to them whole time, actually had two other guys from with me as well doing the rescue i was more in charge of operating the platform there with the truck, it is very helpful with this kind of situation where we can get safely onto that platform, you can see the other therefore guidance in assistance they needed additional help. and what kinds of things