Actress Anushka Kaushik, who is currently seen in the political thriller 'Garmi', emphasised on giving self-defence training to children during primary classes and she also revealed how she bagged the role in Tigmanshu Dhulia's web series.
Actress Anushka Kaushik, who is known for her performance in projects like 'Ghar Waapsi', 'Thar', and 'Crash Course', shared her experience of working with director Tigmanshu Dhulia, how different are her roles in .
Actress Anushka Kaushik, who was seen in 'Ghar Waapasi' and 'Thar', spoke about working in Tigmanshu Dhulia's 'Garmi' and shared her shooting experience in Bhopal and Varanasi for the web series. She remembered staying in the same hotel where .