Actress Aleeza Khan, who has recently joined the cast of 'Pyaar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan', said the lead actor of the show Shabir Ahluwalia is 'set ki jaan', as he always brings good vibes and positivity on the floor.Aleeza has returned to Zee .
New Delhi [India], August 23 (ANI/PNN): "WEE - Women Entrepreneurs Enclave" organized "WEE Business Excellence Awards" on August 21 at Hotel Orchid. The Chief Guest of Honors were Prominent Labour Leader ABHIJEET RANE, (Founder And General Secretary-Dhadak Kamgar Union, Group Editor- Daily Mumbai Mitra (Marathi/Hindi, Daily Vrutta Mitra (Hindi/Marathi), Chandrashekhar Pusalkar and Mridula Pusalkar, TRUSTEES of Dadasaheb Phalke Memorial Foundation, Bollywood Award Winning Choreographer Sandip Soparrkar and Composer and Music Director Dilip Sen. The Honorable Jury for the Awards were Celebrity Life Coach & Public Figure Sharon Prabhakar, "Sales Guru" - Dr Anil Kumar Garg (Empowering leader & Motivational Speaker), Political Analyst and Social Activist "Rajalakshmi Joshi" (TEDx Speaker & Life Coach) and Indian Actress Leslie Tripathy, Nandita Puri (Writer, Journalist and Columnist, Chairperson of OM Puri Foundation), Renowned Singer Dr D