Costs down and whether therell be more PrIce Cuts ahead. Good mornIng. In sport, a hIstorIc nIght for scottIsh Football CeltIc celebrate becomIng the fIrst scottIsh team to qualIfy for the maIn Group Stages of the womens ChampIons League. And as you saw, raIn Is stIll fallIng across parts of england and wales In partIcular but It Is set to clear two brIghter but colder weather. One of the forecast detaIls here on breakfast. All of the detaIls later. Good mornIng, Its frIday the 27th september. Our maIn story. HurrIcane helene, a dangerous category four storm has made landfall In the Us State Of FlorIda. One person has been kIlled and theres more than 350 Thousand homes and busInesses are currently wIthout power. AuthorItIes warn the hurrIcane could brIng a catastrophIc and unsurvIvable storm surge, wIth wInds of around 140 mIles an hour beIng recorded. Our North AmerIca Correspondent DavId WIllIs reports. HurrIcane helene touched down on florIdas Gold Coast brIngIng on FlorIdas Gulf
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As the globe grapples with multiple social, political, and ecological crises, many of today s youth are emerging prominently as leaders of these issues. Leaders like Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg and Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai have shown they don t need to be of voting age to make an impact, too. [Young people] have learned that they don t have to wait for permission or invitations or even action from adults. They can and are taking the lead, says Jerusha Conner, Ph.D., a professor of education at Villanova University and an expert on issues of student s voices, student engagement, and youth activism.