India has recorded 412 fresh cases of COVID-19, while the number of active cases of the infection has gone up to 4,170, the health ministry said on Tuesday. The death toll due to the viral disease was recorded at 5,33,337 with three new fatalities reported from Karnataka in a span of 24 hours, according to the ministry s data updated at 8 am.
Get the latest updates on Covid-19 in Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) data reveals 11 new cases, bringing the active tally to 33. Find out more.
India witnessed an increase of 628 new COVID-19 cases in a single day, as reported by the Union Health Ministry. This surge has resulted in the active caseload rising to 4,054. The latest data, updated at 8 am, also revealed one new death from Kerala in the past 24 hours, bringing the total fatalities to 5,33,334 (5.33 lakh).