and that is why we re seeing these dramatic near misses on or near runways at major airports involving commercial airliners, which interesting here is that this is something that was echoed by transportation secretary pete buddha judge during my exclusive interview with him last month, and he attributed this to some kind of rust that is happening in the aviation system. listen. there would be one thing if we found a certain piece of technology in the cockpit or a certain control tower where there were there were a lot of issues, but instead what we re finding is that pilots, ground crews and controllers alike seem to be experiencing this uptick. some have described it as a kind of rust. but that that needs to turn into a very concrete diagnosis and specific action steps. we re not going to wait for something worse to happen to act now. the other interesting element here that nolan points to is that retirements accelerated among pilots and air
finding is that pilots, ground crews and controllers alike seem to be experiencing this uptick. some have described it as a kind of rust. but that that needs to turn into a very concrete diagnosis and specific action steps. we re not going to wait for something worse to happen to act now. the other element here that no one points at is that retirements accelerated during the pandemic among pilots and air traffic controllers, and that may be contributing to these problems as well. although the six dramatic runway incursions at airports are still under investigation by the national transportation safety board of final cause, and each of those incidents could take more than a year, jim jessica you know a lot of loss of institutional knowledge with all those retirements mountain for us. thanks so much. coming up. u s secretary of state antony blinken is now facing a subpoena turnover sensitive communications related to the
there s a clear desire in all of us whether we agree on the action steps or not that we must work to find ways to protect against evil. i want to bring in nbc ease lindsey reiser in nashville. jonathan lemire is politico s white house bureau chief, host of way too early and an msnbc political analyst. john dell poll pay is director of polling at the harvard kennedy institute of politics jonathan, i don t know if it was out of frustration, it was a reality check, maybe both, but president biden said yesterday he s basically powerless to do any more himself, and at the u.s. conference of mayors, the head of the criminal justice committee said, i feel like we ve given up. is that where we are politically? it doesn t seem that way, chris. you heard from the president, you know, he praised the bipartisan gun measure that was passed last year in the wake of the uvalde, texas, school massacre. modest to be sure, just a small