tonight marks one year since start of the pandemic. this has been the deadliest year in a century. literally it started one year ago with the presidential address on our watch and now a year later, literally to the hour, a very different president with a very different message. the biggest anti-poverty measure in a generation. the law aims to lift 11 million americans out of poverty and cut child poverty in half, but president biden spent most of his first address to the nation not taking a victory lap but rallying us for the rest of the race to come. a year ago we were hit with a virus that was met with silence and spread unchecked, denials for days, weeks, then months that led to more deaths, more infections, more stress and more loneliness. we knew what we needed to do to beat this virus tell the truth, follow the scientists and the science, work together. my fervent prayer for our country is that after all we ve been through, we ll come together as one people, one nat
having no idea when i would become eligible, i will tell you, i feel this personally. as the president made clear tonight, he s saying this doesn t necessarily mean all american adults are going to be vaccinated by the end of next month, by may 1st. but he is ordering all states and territories to open eligibility to all adults by no later than may 1st, which means you can get in line, which means you can start setting up your appointment, which means you can make your plans. any american adult who wants a shot will be free to sign up for one, and the president says his administration will do everything it can to make vaccine shots available to every single american who wants one. and that is just almost unbelievably good news. for all of the americans who want to get vaccinated, present company included, but also for what it says about the progress the administration feels it s making toward that ultimate goal of getting everybody vaccinated. and you know, also, it matters,
the royal family simply don t recognize some of the things that harry and meghan told oprah. this is actually a slap in the face, i think. announcer: this is new day with alisyn camerota and john berman. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and all around the world. this is new day. it is wednesday, march 10th, 6:00 here in new york. and this morning, the house of representatives is poised to take president biden s massive rescue plan over the finish line. in just a few hours, lawmakers will debate and hold a final vote on the $1.9 trillion relief package. it will deliver the largest ever direct payments to americans, bringing help to millions who are struggling. this will be a major legislative victory on president biden s 50th day in office. the president plans to sign it ahead of a prime-time address to the nation tomorrow night. that s one year after the pandemic plunged the country into shutdown. so he doesn t really have much selling to do w
will be up step closer to receiving $1,400 stimulus checks. this legislation also extends unemployment benefits for millions out of a job. text bands the child tax credit. it provides affordable care act subsidies, and it includes funding for cash-strapped states and schools. it is the largest set of relief checks ever and has garnered prod support across the country. you can see the number here. new cnn poll shows 61% of americans are on board with this covid relief package. i have jessica dean on capitol hill, phil mattingly there at the white house, and, phil, i m starting with you. when can we expect the president to sign this bill? reporter: well, brooke, right now the white house is planning to sign the bill. the president signed the bill on friday, and we actually just got the first word from the president since the house passage of the bill putting out a rather lengthy statement saying in part this legislation is about giving the backbone of this nation, the essenti
intuit quickbooks helps small businesses be more successful with payments, payroll, banking and live bookkeeping. we have breaking news. the biden state department has completed its 45-day review of the former president s executive orders that restricted immigration from certain countries often referred to as the muslim ban. and it is officially ending those restrictions. the biden administration says applicants from the affected countries may no longer be denied on the basis of nationality, and the department has taken a number of steps to ensure that applicants previously refused visas will not have future applications prejudiced in any way. a state department official tells cnn those applicants may now re-enter the diversity visa lottery. also under current regulations, those who visas were denied prior to january 20th, 2020 may also be reconsidered but those individuals must split new applications and pay a new application fee. don t miss full circle, our digital news