some urgency to life in a a capsule. pp youre y couldou actually appreciate what you have. you could not live in eternity because you never leave your house. think about this, jim .m. if you could live forever, you u would never leave for fear ofr an accident. that s a great point.e fon ac yes. because you woulcident. d die in accident. and if never go , i can t believe i could have lived forever. an accideyou have no diseases. that means you can t play anyu l sports , no sports , becausedny you might like your play, butayo don t play football. tbthat wit ho no, no. what would life be withoutor football? wow. so you the mean for the rest of eternity i d just be home int he my house on my computer watching. a hugn e switchmy. itch. that s exactly what it would be like. it wouldit s great. i know. gutfe dagi do you have any insight,e n wisdom from your southernsout heritage? like when wehe werrne young, deh was nothing more than no. funerals are pretty fun. no, no. okay