The American People significantly fewer than 100,000 people would die from the disease, already adding to a mounting of evidence of failure by the trump administration. Schools are figuring out how to either reopen or stay open safely. Theres an outright assault on our postal service. Its a lot. What is in store if trump wins reelection . Well, i dont know, i think for next jeer generally speaking, if we win, a president will ask for the resignation of everybody and brings back people he wants. Thats happened before. I cant see Something Like that happening. Trump delivered those remark from his private golf club in new jersey,ings a place where hes spending more and more time. We have brandnew numbers showing his andics are not helping. The latest wall street journal poll shows that joe biden is ahead by nine points. If we compare that on other recent polls, it paints a picture of a president who cannot get his support above the low 40s. Biden is ahead of trump on every single issue i
From the Sioux Falls School District, Dawn Marie Johnson took an early lead in the race for School Board, and never let up: Location Total Ballots Cast Dawn Marie Johnson Nick Zachariasen Brian Mattson Peace Lutheran Church (1-1) 578 368 0 210 Memorial Middle School (1-2) 670 432 3 235 Career & Tech Ed Academy…