For minutes you know. Her. Voice has power and beauty combined. Have a heart. Its in the pantheon of the great tenors certainly heres one for the ages of ten or fourteen starts december twenty second on t. W. Hello and welcome to quadriga germanys Conservative Party has a new leader and a great crumb Current Power she takes over the reins from chancellor Angela Merkel who was clearly rooting for her to win the contest for the Party Leadership formerly state premier of this island a k k a shes often called edged out a strong contender conservative corporate lawyer freebies from outs but despite being uncle americas favorite she faces the tough task of uniting
a divided party and heightening her own political profile to many voters shes an unknown quantity and important european and state elections are in the offing does an agreed crumb qanbar have what it will take not only to do that but also to succeed her mentor Uncle Americal as chancellor thats the question we pose on this weeks fr
Time for an upgrade. How about on a chair that grows on you buy. A house with no roof. Or design highlights you can make yourself. Tips and tricks that will turn your home to a special. Upgrade yourself with g w interior design channel on your terms. Hello and welcome to quadriga germanys Conservative Party has a new leader and a great crime Current Power she takes over the reins from chancellor Angela Merkel who was clearly rooting for her to win the contest for the Party Leadership formerly state premier of this ana and a k k as shes often called edged out
a strong contender conservative corporate lawyer free press maps but despite being on gloom ackles favorite she faces the tough task of uniting a divided party and heightening her own political profile to many voters shes an unknown quantity and important european and state elections are in the offing does and a great crime qanbar have what it will take not only to do that but also to succeed her mentor Angle America as chancellor
right there, right there. when i landed, i kind of landed hugging this right here. type of thing. he said hit the toilet so hard that it shifted. i tried to keep my head from busting this. cutting my head, it just all happened so fast that s just how i wound up. the states medical examiner took the stand and said craig s bruises look to him like a lot more like the kick from the shock, and then they did the injuries from a fall. and once more, while craig said he s fell just one day before the photos were taken. the medical examiner said the bruisers did not look fresh. they had to be at least about three days old because of the gold coloration. in order for the human body to get that gold color with a bruise it takes at least three days. in the larger theory of the crime, the one involving the old testament lust. the prosecutors argue that craig pull that trigger three times so that he could have it
scaler rad did i occasion of boundaries and common sense especially when it comes to children s development tall health. and this is not a partisan issue. although it is conservative, thankfully speaking up about it. there are many moderate liberals and independence such as myself and the filmmakers who are just trying to increase awareness about mental health issues and medical ethics. it s not political. it is pro-gay. it is pro you know, neurodivergence acceptance. all sorts of liberal or progressive values. but, in this case the boundaries are being crossed to harm people. and the liberals are afraid to speak up about it. will: you know, the documentary s bruisers have said the following. this is what fascism looks like. please help this movie be screened. talking about the fact that it has bhas been-its shows have ben taken down or taken off the market by amc. i m curious, your thoughts on this, laura. this move and whether or not that s what is motivated amc.
upset, voice breaking as she was speaking to the jurors after receiving that verdict. a few of the jurors were also in tears. the pair convicted, the mother and father of finley boden, showed no reaction. and during the trial they have denied ever deliberately harming their son finley boden, he was ten months old. the injuries he suffered will be difficult to forget. by the time he died, he had 130 injuries, 71 bruisers, 57 fractures. he had been burned, he had sepsis, he was in excruciating pain. of course he died on christmas day 2020. we are aware the sentencing for his parents will be taking place at a later date, we should be hearing when shortly. we are expecting to hear from the police on the steps outside the courtier in the next few