kinds of political stunt and it is a disservice to the americans people what a hideouers miscarriage of justice, a majority power exercisingnc influence over house committee assignments. wow. e asand right on cue, squad mems tried to shout outrage at one another with their faux outrage, cries louder. wow. a striking vocal similarity. the white supremacy happeningbli is unbelievable. thisng is just a bunch of racisth gaslighting. we all know it.t gas they turn congress into a placec of fear mongering, hate general . time is required that our country is failing you today. to this chamber is no longer. my voice will get louder and stronger and my leadership will be celebrated around the world as it haer ands been o utterly dissinger us and yet so predictable. the party that presided over the weaponization of government agencies from the fbi to the a suddenly crying foul. and why?why? because their committee position was actually put to ade vote . how darey they be heldn accounta
and secretary of states on hisn way over. imat and i think it s going to be t climbing. well, that s the top of hishe list. top list and the yeah. are and the chinese are cranking out solar panels powered by coal. they re going to eat our lunch powerehey know all day long because they know the administration is going to make concession after mak concession. and oh, by th we way, as we push everything to batteries,he we re buying them from them that own 75% of the of the of the ev market. talk so, congressman, we have a lot to talk about on this topic. topicbut that s it for but this is their trial balloon. guess what? they re floatingr trial and wee failing it. congressman, thank you. now, republican councicongressls gu new jersey gunned dowwon near her home in whatnn appears to be a targeted attack. th the details on this tragic story are next. don t touch that dial. only on fox nation. can you turn back the clock and watch some of the best comedies of all time? don , out
clear . and that message and tha there t a problem with this coming into the country and we have an open border. brandon brandon. yes. your son a borde your son is go5 there s fifteen years of age. ys so many others, you know, near near where where i live.t i mean, it seems like i m reading about something every other day.r y. and we have an o peand we have an open border. w i don t care what anyone says. t the border is essentially open. if you want to cross intoo th the country, you can come instan and most people are staying exact and the cartels are taking advantage of that. we don t have the security that we need atth the southern bordeo to prevent not just this drug, but all drugs from coming into the country. and like i mentioned before,ingk the families that we work with , all you know, said go up there and tell them that the there s a problem at the border, it s broken and it needs to be fixed. bor i want you to respond broken
every single american five times. what doee tos that have to dobln with race? at some point? we as a republican party havee n to step up.rotect they have to step up and say we re going to protect. our citizens . fedee going to do what the federal government is supposed to do and protect our citizens and protect the safety of our citizens every single day. f and that s what our judiciary committee is supposed to do foru the next two years. r judii m so glad we re in and the majority. and with jim jordan as our leader, because we are ready. congressman, i am so happy that you re in congress and i yu applaud you. and i can t wait to see whatu ca you do.e si and we re going to hold youo wh accountable, sir, so you better do it yourself. all right. 5%. t thank you. god ble please do.much god bless. laura , thank you so much. to get better. set you all right.r and don t forget to set your dvr every night at 10:00 p.m. so you never miss stories like the ones we re following like this. you
correct. the bigger point isn t that they bring no value.. the problem is they actually destroy they diminish ,they create a problem in the workplace by creating animus, making racial and concerns, even when those don t exist. the truth of the matte r is the very companies, the very companies that tried virtuesignl signaling by creating all oflian these showed how irrelevant thr actualnso thei operations. i have an idea if you genuinely are concerned about the problems that face this country, why don t these tech organizations go to inner city schools? and operate, hire some of ope the best and most talented