The Texas Supreme Court overturned the ruling of a Democratic judge who had allowed for a 31-year-old mother, well over 20 weeks along in her pregnancy, to end her child's life. Kate Cox, the mother of the child diagnosed late last month with Edwards syndrome a survivable genetic condition tha.
A Washington, DC, jury found five pro-life activists guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act on Tuesday for seeking to prevent abortions by blocking the entrance of an abortion clinic in 2020.
apples. in the case of mark cao, 20 heavily armed fbi agents to arrest him early in the morning in front of his family including several young children for allegedly violating the freedom of back entrance the face act this is what the abortionist of the department of justice are using to go after pro-lifers the show of force was ordered by the department of justice despite his lawyer informing federal authorities will surrender voluntarily. he was charger to federal counsel violating the face act for allegedly pushing a poor abortion activist in front of an abortion clinic after the activist had shelved the 12-year-old son. brightest department of justice deliberately distorted the law in order to persecute threatening to land him with up to 11 years in prison he was acquitted on all accounts quickly by a jury in philadelphia under christopher wray. do you want to hear more i have more october 4, 2021 christopher dray director of the fbi
it s very important to be clear and not just say viability and health, which are very loose terms that have been used for the last 50 years to allow abortion up until the end in many places, in most places, in the country. we re unfortunately out of time. i definitely want to continue this conversation. maybe we ll have somebody come on with you to talk about that. my sense and my conversations with those politicians is that they leave it open because they want a doctor to decide. but the doctor deciding, who is the abortionist, is the key, who doesn t believe there should be any exceptions. we re going to have a lot more discussion on this, as this republican primary season continues. thank you for coming in. thank you for having me, dana. and ahead, the republican presidential field is shaping up to be the most diverse yet. can the party expand its appeal beyond a predominantly white base? stay with us. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy y life.