(Natural News) A woman from Utah died four days after getting the second dose of the Moderna Wuhan coronavirus vaccine. Surgical technologist Kassidi Kurill from Ogden got vaccinated on Feb. 1 as part of her job. She experienced discomfort on the morning of Feb. 4 and asked her father to drive her to the hospital. Kurill was subsequently confined, where she died of multiple organ failure Feb. 5.
The 39-year-old did not experience a serious reaction after her first dose of the vaccine, only getting a sore arm on the injection site. Her family said she did not hesitate to volunteer for the vaccine. Kurill’s father Alfred Hawley remarked: “She was absolutely fine with getting it. In fact, she told all of us ‘it’s fine, you guys should all get it. ” (Natural News) The U.K. government reported that more than 240 people have died shortly after getting the Wuhan coronavirus vaccines. British citizens who died after vaccination reportedly obtained either the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine or the AstraZeneca jab. These vaccine candidates were approved by the British regulator and subsequently used in mass vaccination efforts. Despite this, the U.K. government said it does not believe that the inoculations are to blame for the deaths.
In an extensive report released on Feb. 11, the U.K. government detailed all the adverse reactions reported by both medical personnel and COVID-19 vaccine recipients themselves. The report’s scope included all cases between early December 2020 and the end of January 2021. (Natural News) A woman in the state of Louisiana suffered uncontrollable spasms after she received Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus vaccine. The woman’s son posted a video on Facebook showing her entire body convulsing uncontrollably. She was admitted to the hospital following her vaccination.
Brant Griner of Lake Charles, Louisiana posted the video of his mother experiencing uncontrollable convulsions. He captioned: “This is what the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has done to my mom. She was admitted to the hospital.” Griner warned against getting the Wuhan coronavirus jab, telling people to “be cautious about taking the vaccine.” He added: “I’m sure it is good for some people, but you need to think about [it]: Is this vaccine worth taking?” (Natural News) A health worker in Portugal died just two days after she received Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine. Forty-eight-year-old Sonia Acevedo passed away Jan. 1 after being vaccinated for COVID-19 on Dec. 30. The mother of two and health worker at the
Portuguese Institute of Oncology (IPO) in the city of Porto did not report any adverse effects following immunization.
Sonia’s father Abilio Acevedo told Portuguese paper
Correio da Manha that she “was okay” and had no health problems. “She had the COVID-19 vaccine, but she didn’t have any symptoms. I don’t know what happened. I just want answers. I want to know what lead to my daughter’s death,” he said.
Portuguese nurse dies two days after getting the Pfizer Covid vaccine Portuguese health worker Sonia Acevedo Photograph:( Twitter )Jan 05, 2021, 11.17 AM (IST)Subscribe to updates Coronavirus vaccines are now being rolled out in different parts of the world. But it turns out that the vaccination regimen is not working out as expected for some. …