ah. so this is out there. these are the top stories, and the turkish military has been flying in much needed a to areas that were cut off by the earthquakes. some of those towns in the south of the country are in remote regions. so the military has been delivering supplies by helicopter, sammy s a don as an ottoman province with more on the relief efforts that you read about remote communities. it s another thing when you re actually on a helicopter and you go over these areas and you see a little cluster, a village, which is just a little cluster of houses, nestled on top of a mountain, and then you fly for several more minutes and you come to another similar scene, how do you go from community to community in terrain like that and get a to people? it is a herculean task that lies ahead of authorities to try and reach old people. despite the odd survivors have continued to be pulled out from under the rubble in the past few hours, a 74 year old was rescued alive in current m