booked up. i got you out there with lisa who rahman and reminder of all top news stories. millions of people into kia and syria are in desperate need of essential supplies following 2 devastating earthquakes. last week, the united nations, as nearly 9000000 syrians have been effected, dozens of 8 organizations on the ground. they have coal for better access and a massive scale of insistence. well, 2 key is present says last week, so quakes were as big as atomic bombs as the one has defended his decision making. after his government was accused of being slow to respond to hearted areas, ruskie work has continued to find some survivors in turkey. a 77 year old woman was rescued from the rebel. as being trapped for more than 200 hours in the month. means that dan has more from a donna there was some incredible rescues today at least 6 people pulled out of the rubble and more than one day 8. and you might, you can't really feel it of course, but you can, you can see the, perhaps the cloud, the have, it's a cold night. it's not easy conditions for people to survive. so these are in incredible scenes. but sadly, as every hour passes by the frequency of those sorts of joyous moments of pulling people out of rubble, they're becoming more and more rare. and we're seeing more more sight turn to places like where i am right now in a donna, ukraine says russian forces have bombarded towns the eastern dynette region and what appears to be a new offensive that ukraine's troops of repelled attacks around the front lines that would cause russian losses in the nearby town hall for me or some bastard to the united nations. micky hayley has an own. she'll run for president in 2024. she's the 2nd republican to seek the parties nomination to form a present. donald trump announced his bid in november. 3 people have been killed after sites on gabrielle new zealand and what the prime minister says calls the worst damage in a generation. the soul has now weakened dundas moving away. torrential rain and high winds, coals, floods and landslides, and more than 200000 homes were left without power. a national state of emergency has been declined. those were the headlines here on, i'll just there. i'll be back to more news in half now, but next it's the stream to stay with us. how do you think controlled information? moscow is one of them. look, they peace in the world. it has incredible facial recognition technology. how did the narrative improve public opinion better? no, wasn't asked. how is the ticket in jim, they can replace the coil? the video spread like wildfire, they denied the passport in ukraine. the listening post dissects the media. we don't cover the news. we cover the way the news is covered with . welcome to this stream, i much much have a dean, nigeria as presidential candidates are making their final beds for public support and what is expected to be one of the most closely contested elections in years. millions of nearly registered voters could ultimately decide who will be chosen to tackle a range of economic and security challenges. here's what 3 of the leading candidates have been saying. oh mm hm. mm hm. with sean, i good. joining us to discuss the election from lago to renew or to walla project director at hub and g r, and the human rights advocate and community organizer. it hasn't director at the center for democracy and development of policy advocacy and research organization. she is joining us from a buddha. and last but not least, remo egg, but julia is africa editor at al jazeera. he is in, i be done in the ivory coast. and of course, you can be part of the conversation here at the stream, send us your thoughts through our live youtube chat. i want to start with a basic kind of outline of the candidates. let's start, there are mo, could you maybe talk us through these top 4 candidates, some of whom we just heard from there. i'd say right away is an election. we have to kind of just on the, not to from, to stop for a to time, a very, very powerful man, a guy who's the only one. so i was there at national level and then it has got them. a law never went on to be vice president. happy to be on legal patsy. who is it to tell a nebraska in the southeast and then you have a so who is a to can go know of kind of a people, spotty and evenly spread it a zones off to 6. certainly in it seems like the 2 party system is being disrupted by peter there. as you outlined, i want to ask you renew for maybe we take a step back. what's the mood in the country? like i know that there have been a lot of concerns around the economy, inflation high unemployment, particularly with youth. how would you describe things a couple of days before the election? well, thank you very much. i will say that, but the reality of me 9 given today is well, but t is insecurity or leadership position rise, corruption, inadequate facilities. currently. i don't know if you know the wig events enabling shots kashi. i mean currency of the narrow a nigeria. so this is, there's a lot going on in the country nigerians. ah, but the, the, i last, eric, you know, of william over knoxville police brutality and then the insecurity taking place in several parts of the country. we also have an unprecedented humanitarian crisis and not to forget the 60 of us exhibit and you'd unemployment rates in the country. so that's a lot going on up. when i gibbons i live, i still with the lead shuns, just like a rama, said that considerable interest and involvement and usually from the you'd angle. ringback many of them are open to part to speak, some of them are fresh dying. some of them are 2nd time seen this elections. i'm supposed to have a saying would, the next country does have going to be a darcy, that the elections will be quite interesting. we've had the little, well, i don't come in contributions and then was interesting, but these know what he can't really see who is going to be the next president. so we will wait. then we'll see natal i am, i guess, i guess that's how it should be. i mean, your outlines so many challenges that the countries facing there. i want to ask you idiots when you hear your 2 colleagues there, framing this election. i know that my jury has been in recession twice just in the last 7 years. a lot of people looking to the future, hoping for a real change. how would you frame this election? what's the mood like for you? what's your major concern? i think their selections is sports. you can see the same make on my elections from nigeria on one hands. thank you. and i very excited to be going to the pause. they feel finally that they have a better option aside from to, to dominance parties. now there is no excuse to stay that you have to choose the lesser of the 2 evils you are for. for medieval candidates. hall will potentials of imagined winner at one point or the other. and it's also an opportunity for them to re negotiate development. when you look at the answers e, as in particularly amongst the young people, you see that look, dis, they are saying like, look that we have default, we have over 39 percent on the registered voters, least. and if we can hand this how power we can actually ensure that there is a change such as the economy can actually walk for the young people, we can walk for the poor such that these. the oldest challenges of insecurity can finally be address. oh, i mean so, so the whole day was that it was short the short last yeah. it was. god knows wayne . yeah. so. so if this opportunity is lost, renew you wanted to jump in there, go ahead. i me. she is correct. easy. so 14, it is lost, i think that there will be a lot of open that up rushed offline given because what like i said, well we actually have the last 8 and i'm hoping that these could lead to the chain to country poet. ah, you can also see that look on me. that's you seen that number is an increase in registered both as the selection. i'm one of those numbers used by almost no mask. i'm to actually reach out to young people, meaning like a sales concierge. ajax, i'm bored, me to speak, i'm glad you brought that up because, you know, we, we actually saw, i think it's nearly 10000000 new voters that have been registered. right. and 84 percent of them are under the age of 34 or a 1000000 went over 9000000 registered fences. in fact, i'd like to hear from some of them. this is a clearance for 1000000 of them were young people. fantastic here, all the stats that you need. now, i want to share with you what some of them have to say after receiving their voting cards. this is from january. take a listen looking for the for them. i'm very excited. wanted to do as the size my what's in the rights, what's in the rights people in so governmental to make nigeria greets and what doesn't. i mean i felt who i still didn't needs the need for change. wasn't that high? what right now, something is a very clear that it's time that we chancy shown to the younger generation rules. and that's why if i don't please, now when will i do renew? i see that you're nodding there. i want to ask you though, okay, there's some hope there's some x through z, awesome. they know that they're a big block. maybe this is the moment that they're taken seriously, but i have to wonder, i mean youth unemployment, a real issue in the country. no. yes, and i does also contributed to load up a theme. the country model that 60 percent of young people in nigeria are unemployed and we can compare that to a country to quickly actually big country of their own. i'm also we will look at the state of human rights in the country that lead to the widespread for existing 2020. can see that they leave a lot of dissatisfaction with the system. but i like it. i said, are we young people to no longer have to choose between the dev one, the blue? see right. i know that to be it was a nik. i'm as a precedent now we have candidates that we can truly vulnerable and you can see that i may not even and you read on entire ward can see at the entity as him of young mind. you and seeing the same thing, right? i mean, and a lot of both i am a lot of other young adrian's aramark. i'm not mistaking supporting peter o b. or at least that's what it seems like from where i'm sitting. what would you like that it looked like you wanted to jump in there. and then i wanted to add to the point about give so many and actually unemployed people, that it could be a country to complain when we have 159 jurel speaking in public, right. that's more than the population of another country in the continent. one, another thing to note is that in men, the men in security across my direct and then not you have around, oh wow, no, that sounds right. children were born in 2009. we are going to be gap. they'll be able to both in the next election. right. so you have to look at the problems that young people have to realize you're finally going to have to go about many people. many people will be yeah. look like that's going to be the kid. who am i want me and not where you're the most popular one in the country, right. and then also younger. pre support. one only knows that right. but the one thing that we can agree on for sure is that most of those, i think the 3 quarters of the new book as i know people, you know, some of my students who are all, for example, for example, they will try each month. and that price was the 15th or the 16th. try that lecture that going on since 1999. you have 3 teen stripe. everyone. yeah, in the last place. yes. but, but go ahead, let's hear from renew for us. let's see. for us, if we can, you know, go ahead, then we'll come back to you. yes. talking about talking about the students, you know, actually make up about 40 percent of the new stuff that i've recently been registered . you see a recent presidential candidate also telling them that they would spend h yes, seen school better than the usual for years. and i dare say that many of them i and yeah, and the last, you know, i think the nigerian universal mission as also next showed us didn't go back to board. so many of them are going to actually be taking bots in this elections. i'm be showing the anger frustration at this the standard has kept them out to him for almost a year. also. i think a lot of them i right in about the promises from the different residential candidate. i mean, how can you say that i will you promise me that high will spend more? yes. then then i should be in the, in the, in the school. so i think that's right. i love them. i heard within that quite fair enough. go ahead. fair enough. it, it's go ahead. ok, but it's also important to i liked that young people. it's not a more no, you'd see category. most of this young people actually support in ms. p t o b y audits, esl, 14 corklin. so fanatically, while the audits of what's in did 2 dominant shirty candidates as well. so it's consequence. it's greg. it depends on the turn out on the day of elections. it's that i'm sure that the few days will will be annoying. by due time, we are able to analyze the numbers of people who are about to collect a debt, permanent votes, as cut, and which category they do actually belong to. i appreciate the no, i was go ahead, go ahead caramel. was this great to again, through that point right on there, sometimes it doesn't work from the top of my direct your tendency to look at from only one point. but do you want to see one of the country, one or 2 people walking into one category? so that people levels of education somewhat linked with all the time, right. and so it's important that we can see the commanders from being generated by one of the candidates, right? people in the north or in the center of the country for example, have one preferences. so i think that also so me to know it because we are very quick and to find looking for and you know, it's kind of in the setting, you know, most certainly, and i really appreciate you know, that you making as understand, you know, it's not as if all the youth vote in one way or all women vote in one way or even one ethnic group or what have you. i do want to share with you because the 3 of you outlines, so in such detail, sort of all the mounting challenges. let's listen to what koko, pony santee had to say, outlining some of the key challenges nigerian space. take a look. yeah, i see to the upcoming again. it says it's the van with o, british kitchen of whatever the kitchen system the mean. and i wouldn't perform one election day, particularly how would you believe that i would to respond to create an issue has to do with the that you noticed in our notes that i guess and then also the foolish to use and not how that is gonna affect movement on election day and that that issue is to do it is the community and how weiss great it will be on the election day and what i believe are on the 10 out. and lastly, he said this information is information and how the deny latrete going to respond or react to force information disseminated on election. is that the end there? one of the challenges we haven't discussed is disinformation. how do you think that's factoring into this election? is it i think that's one of the biggest challenge and the selections because information is actually being weaponized. and there is actually it's in line between the online and offline in nigeria. so when people think about just like 32000000 over to, to 1000000 people online, how does that get to the over 200000000 read and it's just like, like these it's, it's very, very blog. and what is being said online is abilene, patsy. candidates offline and in a different, in different sets of way. in this election we are saying that people are not even, they are weaponized in inflammation to glue fadia candidates, re i hear me not so spurious, teens. some candidates are don, when we know they are not really achievable, it's been used to di legitimize opposing candidates, as well as institution which plans are very important all your time, your lease into code. you're talking about the bam or devil tack latisha system. yeah. because now people do not even have trust in that system. people cannot seem to read from long write all the books as register itself as a challenge while they are as much as possible weaponized in modeling for mission, india selection, right? and then you know, renew. i have to say weapon izing misinformation. it seems like, as you said at the beginning of this conversation, nobody really knows who's going to win. but with that said, there have been so many different concerns about things, including the central bank i was reading earlier today. people not being able to withdraw money as we heard. i actually let me, let me play this clip for our audience. it's a man in northern nigeria who's angry, specifically at the fuel and cash or to just take a listen. what is a what? a nice and your bunk key point. government product at all. i wanted to talk to deposit on on a face. do you want to talk on monday? but no, you cannot fix your own money. i haven't gotten it. i mean, he asked the question there, rena, what's your answer way? just like is said on the government, access to deposit our own money and we can't even collect it. i but then it's easy to put on to notes that this is not the 1st time that this government will be doing such, it's enquiry. was our military head of state in 1080 or and the same disastrous policy was in that, that den web people who couldn't collect the money. many of our in the sign of god maintained that he will ensure that politicians are able. i'm not able to buy votes, and many are seen that the hardship is simply too much. the government is absent in a lot of people's lives. and still they cannot access their own money to buy it that think that they need their own money. so like the man said, a lot of nigerians are angry and i expect that to showing this elections, but mine will be high, but by is already on the week because of the easiest i will mention anadia will be diet from aramark from. i look at you as well that and then humans actually going to a lot. and like i said, it would be nice on the we, but a lot of my jones are also going to be what's in the basement. is it a matter most to then and the fact that in one of the world's most pop up, our biggest, biggest oil producers, we didn't already went out. one of those was custody currently in the country. the fact that i'm the person who promised those i was gonna write to kick corruption, get me into the country. i, as i said, as the president and what corrosion he put in march. so a lot of my job and i thank you thought they did as a young person as well. what do you does that matter most to me as the social eve? so i think that these are what nigerians will be put in. i'm glad i'm glad they are appealing this line. i know you wanted to jump in there, irma but, but, but this idea that nigerians are angry. i want to share with you a comment that's in our or youtube chat here from bonaventure, eugene saying the voter turnout will be massive, but i hope thugs won't disrupt or create fear among voters. that anger might turn into violence. irma, what were you going to jump in and say i was going to jump in nigeria, the country where the new park and everything. right. and might tell someone that africa related to the many in the neighbor had and electricity for 2471. perfect on the plan will have 2 quotes. well, you know, even do just the mission way. you know, there's also so important because happening every sample cash flap and what is going to happen as a result of the outcome is going to be that you know, the people who are trying to draw up to the people going to be even more truckload . you know, because it's going to tell you, for example, i need my bad one now you asked me to bring people that can withdrawing, right? i'm going to be back to call and i by so many people in the lecture, you're going to the much like it doesn't really seem much like it's on a 2 electron on maybe that maybe that wouldn't be necessarily the worst thing. i mean, i don't want to be flipping about it, but i, but i to, i wouldn't be, it wouldn't be, i don't on the one on the one that you mentioned. you know, i'm how many electrons are quite dense. there's a little tent station in the country currently. we have a lot of use the welcome back in right from the not east it due to the north. but every part of the country is almost in chaos right now. due to insecurity does is happening well. and this will take care of your audience if i can renew. i just want to share like, you know, in the north, in the south. i think they're back to me. she's let renew you were saying something . and i think i wouldn't tell you what the lead up that that you about to show the god in the past that a lot of criminals, a different part of the country didn't use. so, but she and no longer in control, i couldn't get any. i mean, conclude i couldn't, you know, if someone at and, and i think your audio was putting out there, but we did want to share and just visualize for audience, you know, in the northwest. a lot of concerns around banditry are also in the slamming state affiliates of course, boca had. i'm in the north east in the southeast. there are a separatist movements in the central areas. of course there's the conflict with the farmers. this is just what i was trying to share with our audience, to, to visualize where you were saying about, you know, much of the country if not all of the countries in crisis. and with that in mind, often when there's a crisis, i think of who can solve that will maybe women. i want to ask you, you know, because we've, we've talked a lot about this might being, you know, this selection may be a being an opportunity for women. we do have a clip of one woman who is running for a state governorship, or of course, it's a separate round of voting for those who are not familiar with the nigerian election system, but still very much aiming to break that glass ceiling there. take a listen. this is a moment to see me like to this to night. jenny have walked or oh women from a major political party becoming a candidate for governor. and she is a from tra, i should have been on the over came religious and cultural barriers in the patrick of society to get to you. she says it's been worth the struggle. it gives the woman it gives. so a daughters and gives us says to the aunties, on what does the confidence that to yes or sole, ah, who wore men, can walk towards buying what ever elective position the desire renew. i'm curious, are you enthusiastic that this may be a shift ah, for women all over the country in terms of being kind of a galvanized to occupy higher offices. and i am sod because if you look on the 2019 elections as opposed to 2020 elections, you will see that those in decline in the number of women political candidates who are coming up in the political, very nigeria. which means that they said there's an issue if that could be a reduction, the sort of an increase i recently as well. you had a tax on and that cannot be, oh, sure, you know about you can just that. there isn't a talk on the, you know, women leaders and political candidates will at recently, women, you know, was queued in cartoon. i went out the label party was assassinated and so that you know, i'm tickle balance, get to was women in nigeria, they're not usually seen as people who should lead someone. and i'm thought that we have less women. what contesting for political seats on the other and you have women like these and on little are wonderful women. what and showing that the stand your ground, the respective of the political climate, sped people that are political systems are gone by good fathers and all of that that's use kind enough ground to ensure adequately that women adequately represent it. so i doesn't, i durance, glad, but what this women because the, which in the future. thank you. i had had that. yeah. i want to add that will be very, very what one be to me. i mean, it was only one ago it had especially about the let it go. but then the other hand, right, this is a demo. the, it's in the northeast. this is a cool book around keep you on go. yeah. because the mantra, that western it. so it was not just a generic for gender not, and of course i appreciate you ending on that. no, that sadly, all the time we have for today's conversation. but of course, so many concerns around the cues, the voter registration process. and even on youtube, as we've heard from some people concerned that polling stations across the country might not all be open. so a conversation, we will continue here, where you can always find us online at stream dot al jazeera dot com. thanks. target. thanks for watching. ah ah i years from i'll just on the guy with me tonight. i'll just there is only a mobile app. it's abby, this is where we dissects and like to find like 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