and ayesha rosco. thank you very much for joining us. ron, the conventional wisdom is the president boxed himself in here. i want to repeat the words abigail spanburger voiced to her colleagues in a closed door caucus on the hill yesterday. she said, if i am getting comments and contact from my constituents saying the democrats aren t prioritizing security i think we can do better. she s former cia, represents a district won by trump. i wonder if in your view you are concerned democrats are overplaying their hand here. that s the thin line. i have been writing about public opinion on immigration since the early 1990s since prop 187 in california. there have always been two pillars. one is that the public supports a rational, pragmatic and compassionate response to the 11 million people here undocumented. there has always been support for a pathway to citizenship or
freshman democrat abigail spanburger who represents a district trump won, had a close race in virginia, former cia employee. she expressed concern in this politico piece about what s going on in the democratic side of negotiations. quote, if i m getting comments and contacts from my constituents expressing concern that democrats aren t prioritizing security, then i think we can do better. is she right? well, i can t really speak on behalf of abigail. i can tell you that, yes, it is extremely frustrating to start our tenure on january 3 with the government shutdown. i want to remind everyone that we came in and we were sworn in under a government shutdown. republican majority, house of representatives, senate and this administration were not able to fund a wall or do anything as it relates to what president trump now is requesting. what we did on day one and i have to tell you i was proud to
concerned as abigail spanburger was trying to portray them as soft on border security. no democrats this time feel compelled to support the wall which is down to 33% with mexico not paying for it. colin allred from suburban dallas, a freshman democrat, in a seat that s long republican came out against the president s speech on tuesday night. i think republicans realize they can t win the fight, intimidate the democrats into doing this. an emergency allows him to climb down off the ledge and leave it to the courts where it would be immediately tied up. here s the thing. if he does declare a national emergency he s going to use military funds to build part of this. republican max thornberry said don t do that. i don t know his exact quote but he said, i don t know, we have to address it, but this is not a department of defense thing.
you republican ads. they re not exactly running on hope and/or change. as a rapper, antonio delgato gave voice to extreme new york city values. he d vote the same way in congress. working to infiltrate congress. he s used three different names to hide his family s ties to terrorism. what is abigail spanburger hiding? she doesn t want us to know she taught at an islamic school nicknamed terror high. a terrorist breeding ground. selling out americans, can t be trusted. i m old enough to remember when it was controversial to have an image of ground zero in a political ad. what was that? well, that s the politics of fear. certainly not the politics of hope. but, you know, i mean, this is who donald trump is. this is the kind of campaign that got him elected. we shouldn t be surprised. you know, with egoback with go back to the use of the
the military, they don t like the military. they don t like law enforcement. they don t like borders. people are coming up in caravans, and we have to stop them. newt gingrich laid out the plan explicitly. two words are going to define the night of the 2018 election in the next three weeks. one is kavanaugh. and the other is caravan. think about that for a second. not the tax cuts, not health care, not anything they ve been doing for two years, but the kavanaugh and caravan? gingrich wasn t talking about getting brett kavanaugh on the supreme court either. he was talking about this. anger over how the left smeared, engaged in character assassination, lied, used bullying tactics with judge kavanaugh. that s the playbook, play up the feeling of threat of victimization even as you run the whole government. democrat abigail spanburger is a cia officer, briefly a