the military, they don't like the military. they don't like law enforcement. they don't like borders. people are coming up in caravans, and we have to stop them. >> newt gingrich laid out the plan explicitly. >> two words are going to define the night of the 2018 election in the next three weeks. one is kavanaugh. and the other is caravan. >> think about that for a second. not the tax cuts, not health care, not anything they've been doing for two years, but the kavanaugh and caravan? gingrich wasn't talking about getting brett kavanaugh on the supreme court either. he was talking about this. >> anger over how the left smeared, engaged in character assassination, lied, used bullying tactics with judge kavanaugh. >> that's the playbook, play up the feeling of threat of victimization even as you run the whole government. democrat abigail spanburger is a cia officer, briefly a