The Delhi High Court on Thursday directed social media giant Twitter to take down several tweets made by academician Audrey Truschke against historian Dr. Vikram Sampath over allegations of plagiarism by him concerning his work on Vinayak Damodar Savarkar.
The Delhi High Court on Thursday sought the response of Meta Inc, the parent company of social media giant Facebook, on a plea moved by historian and V.D. Savarkar s biographer, Vikram Sampath alleging defamatory content against him has been .
The Delhi High Court on Thursday sought the response of Meta Inc, the parent company of social media giant Facebook, on a plea moved by historian and V.D
Historians Audrey Truschke, Ananya Chakravarti and Rohit Chopra are among those restrained from making public the contents of a letter they wrote to Britain's Royal Historical Society alleging plagiarism against Sampath.
The Delhi High Court on Friday in an interim order, restrained American historian Audrey Truschke and others from publishing defamatory material against Historian and V.D. Savarkar s biographer, Vikram Sampath till April 1 on Twitter and other .