The Kerala High Court on Thursday directed banned outfit PFI and its ex-state general secretary to deposit Rs 5.2 crore with the Home Department towards damages estimated by the KSRTC and the state government in connection with the hartal-related violence on September 23, saying they must be held ac
The bench of judges also said that the Popular Front of India (PFI) and Sathar cannot feign ignorance of their constitutional obligations, especially when they claim to represent members of a pluralistic society.
Court also directs lower courts to insist, before considering bail for anyone arrested for violence during the daylong hartal in the state on September 23
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Thiruvananthapuram/ Several activists of the banned outfit Popular Front of India (PFI) were arrested or booked for protesting without permission in different parts of Kerala after the organisation was declared as illegal by the Central government. India News | After Ban, PFI Activists Arrested, Booked for Protests: Police.