Fake Reserve Bank of India documents worth Rs 88 thousand crores were seized at the Indira Gandhi International Airport on Friday, and three passengers traveling to Chennai were apprehended by the CISF.
During physical checking of the bag, Asstt. Sub Inspector Hari Kishan of CISF detected fake RBI documents Rs 88 thousand crores, stickers with Indian Emblem, RBI Logo, Bond Papers, etc. The passengers were supposed to travel to Chennai, the CISF said in a statement
Three passengers have been arrested for carrying "fake" RBI documents at Delhi Airport, an official said on Saturday."During security check at domestic terminal of the IGI airport at 6.20 p.m. on Friday, some suspicious images .
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Fake Reserve Bank of India documents worth Rs. 88 thousand crores were seized at the Indira Gandhi International Airport on Friday, and three passengers traveling to Chennai were apprehended by the CISF. India News | CISF Apprehends 3 Passengers Carrying Fake RBI Documents at IGI Airport.
Three passengers were apprehended at Delhi airport for carrying fake documents of the Reserve Bank of India, before their flight to Chennai on Friday evening, according to a statement from the Central Industrial Security Force.