The team behind a 180-acre community woodland near Brownville in Piscataquis County brings a collaborative, relationship-based approach to how it manages the land. The female-centric collective may be entirely accidental, but its focus on empowerment may be crucial to adapting to climate change.
The team behind a 180-acre community woodland near Brownville in Piscataquis County brings a collaborative, relationship-based approach to how it manages the land. The female-centric collective may be entirely accidental, but its focus on empowerment may be crucial to adapting to climate change.
Jenna Ladd | February 28, 2017 Beech trees are crowding out other important tree species in northeastern United States woodlands because of climate change, according to a recent study. Researchers from the University of Maine tracked beech, sugar and red maple tree data in the northeastern U.S. from 1983 to 2014. The U.S. Forest Service data…
Assistant chemistry professor Greg Drozd says it's clear there is a feedback loop – climate change leading to more wildfires and wildfires leading to more warming – and is trying to determine the magnitude of the effect.
(CNN) — Unusually hot and dry northeastern and upper Midwest states are forecast to be wildfire hotspots this summer, while historically fire-prone Western states, including California, have a lower-than-normal predicted