records. the san bruno explosion destroid homes . never water tested. instead pg&e relied on a controversial system of spiking pressure. the ntsb pin pointed a faulty well as a point of rupture. would it have been found if line 32 was ruptured. so, anything related to what happened in san bruno and why it happened, that will come out in the nstb final report. they are trying to inform people with letters and phone calls and this man lives half a block away and got neither and stopped to ask workers. it was a repair or that sort of thing and they wanted refer me to pg&e. it is for the test driver. they got the letter and the call. we are concerned about this pipe situation all over . because of that disaster that occurred and now everyone is tentative . pg&e is also holding neighborhood open houses and trying to inform people near the test sites. next in line preparation will begin in work next week. abc 7 news. thank you, heather. two cars shridecollided on the street
two men already in custody but police say there are plenty more like them. cheryl hurd is in the east bay tonight with a warning to all customers. cheryl? reporter: especially if do you your banking in north berkeley at the bank of america on shaddock avenue. how many times have you gotten out of your car, put your card in, grabbed your cash, leaving your car behind. it s happened 22 times. 22 people have gotten ripped off. how many people pay attention to that beeping sound at the atm? it s a warping yoning your card waiting for you to take it. people warn you to watch your back, go in groups, but going to the atm is such a daily thing. it s not easy for some people to leave it behind. i first got my card a month ago, and when i first got it, i forgot it. i walked away and i was like, oh. i didn t get it out of the atm reader. these two men are accused of waiting for people like this. users simply put their card in and leave it behind. sources say bank of ameri