court martial, refer the charges to a special court martial, dismiss the charges or take any other action deemed appropriate. there are potential punishments associated with the two charges. article 85 of the uniform code of military justice, desertion with intention to shirk important or hazardous duty carries a maximum potential punishment of a dishonorable discharge, reduction to the rank of a-1, total forfeiture of all pay and allowances and a maximum confinement of five years. article 99 of the uniform code of military justice, misbehavior before the enemy by endangering a command, unit or place, carried a maximum penalty of a dishonorable discharge, reduction to the rank of ae-1 and
country, it s sad we re not making it more of a pry port to take care of priority to take care of this issue and for everyone in d.c. to say this needs to be something we address now and figure out the solution to it now. what would you say to the president if you had the opportunity? well, what s the holdup? i guess that sums it up. right? what is the holdup? i mean, i would honestly say the president and everyone else in that house, everyone on that committee, everyone else part of this, attached to this, listen, when i was a young e-1, a young private in the army and got off of basic training in 2002 there was no hesitation or waiting to deploy a young soldier to iraq because we needed people there we had a mission. we had something to accomplish. there s no waiting on stop losing a service member. there s no waiting when it comes to. the leaving their families. but why is there a wait when it
agreement to get to a sustainable status. at the same time, president netanyahu would always like to make the argument that every issue that stands in the way of final status happens to directly affect israel s security, and that s a problem, because he s defining israel s interests in a way that are inconsistent with a solution. let me ask you, rula, about the same question. with active military action going on in gaza, is that really sort of the right atmosphere for peace to be discussed in washington? you ve just come from three days in washington discussing just this very issue. i don t think prime minister benjamin netanyahu cares, actually, about what kind of message he s sending. his message has been constant he is against any peace agreement. that s why he s been building settlements over and over in the last two years, and even building settlements in an area called e-1 that connects the west bank with jerusalem. that means whatever palestinian state, they will not have
worked as an intelligence analyst in iraq. peter is live for us from fort meade, maryland. and manning is being processed right now. that s the latest update we ve heard about manning since about two hours ago when he sat very quietly during a very short sentencing hearing where the army judge came in, sat down and told him he is sentenced to 35 years at the military prison at fort lefinworth in kansas. his rank will be reduced from private first class to private e-1. he will forfeit all pay and be dishonorably discharged. that 35 years in jail is closer to the 25 years in jail that manning asked for than the 60 that the government thought was a fair sentence. manning must serve at least one third of his sentence before
class to private e-1. she told him he is dishonorably discharged. he will have to forfeit all his allahnesses and pay. allowances and pay. he will do 35 years in jail. the exact number was with credit of 1294 days. from where most of the press was sitting it was impossible to see manning s reaction. we know he did not say anything. that was it. we know the, maximum possible sentence was 90 years according to the judge. the u.s. government said they wanted at least 60 years. they wanted him in jail until he was 85. his defense team said they thought 25 was fair because they thought he was a whistle-blower. 35 years, gregg, will put him in jail until he is about 60 years old which will allow him in theory to get out at some point. he said he wanted to go to college. might not be time for that but he will do now, at most, 35 years. he is eligible for parole after