O portugués Antonio Morgado gaña a Ruta do Albariño La Voz VILAGARCÍA / LA VOZ
14 jun 2021 . Actualizado a las 05:00 h.
A oitava edición da Ruta do Albariño Memorial Modesto Sánchez Alba,
Teto, inscribiu a última hora da mañá do domingo o nome do portugués Antonio Morgado no palmarés de corredores que gañaron a Folla de Prata que recoñece o gañador da xeral de cada edición. Un palmarés copado ao 50 % por corredores que, como Morgado, se presentaron ao longo da historia da carreira xuvenil e sub 21 do Salnés coa camisola do Bairrada luso, e no que figura nada menos que João Almeida, presente no Top 10 final das últimas dúas edicións do Giro de Italia.
debate and said in the words of the great peggy lee, is that all there is? rick perry, jon huntsman and rudy giuliani are all asking the same questions, and tonight how many pressing their noses to the glass will actually get in the race, and how little they think of the field right now. plus president obama, sticking with our music theme, an associated press story today suggested the thrill is gone. o. yeah? we have results from a poll that defy that. also why are republicans sounding more and more like doves. are they souring on the wars in afternoon and libya? have they lost their fervor? or just against anything that president obama is for. and ladies and gentlemen, the comic stylings are the inimtable mitt romney. not at all. he s no shekky green. we start with the 2012 republican field, such as it is. chuck todd nbc political director and chief white house correspond, and susan page is washington bureau chief for we have brand-new matchup numbers in our new po