A Kerala Court recently acquitted four auto rikshaw drivers who were accused of threatening and harassing a woman for hailing an Uber Taxi at a railway station. The Judicial First Class Magistrate-II.
A Kerala Court recently sentenced a person to pay a fine of R. 34,000/- and simple imprisonment till the rising of court, for permitting his minor brother to ride his motorcycle that too without.
A Kerala Court recently issued summons to Lakeshore Hospital and some of its doctors, who were alleged to have transplanted the liver of an 18-year-old accident victim to a Malaysian national, in.
Nominal Index Citations [2023 LiveLaw (Ker) 167-208]Niyas V The District Collector Palakkad, 2023 LiveLaw (Ker) 167Sukumaran v. R.C. Ibrahim & Ors., 2023 LiveLaw (Ker) 168Suni @ Sunil V State of.