certainly. so the youth misery index is something that the young americans foundation puts out annually. we come up with this number, which this year is 98.6, by adding up youth unemployment, student loan debt numbers and then we take the national debt per capita. so youth unemployment in august was 16.3. and then the student loan get average was 29,400. so that s 29.4 on our scale, which is the highest it s ever been. and then you take the national debt, everybody sharing that $17 trillion debt that obama has racked up during his presidency. and that number is 52,948. so 52.9 on the scale. so it all comes out to 98.6, which is the highest it s ever been. and under obama, since 2009 until now, what we have seen is an 18.1% increase under his administration for his presidency. therefore, we believe that makes him the worst president for youth economic opportunity.
had to overheat the core. what does that mean? tell to me like i m a person. you are breathing air hotter than you are. the humans aren t adopted to breathe this high level of temperature. maybe the exemption of the sar harrah desert. so you can breathe up to 98.6 without your heart and lungs being you know. so instead of super heating the air, you use infrared elements to heat the room gently. because the heat penetrates the skip so officially and personally because that is where our body is designed to get from the son, you sweat earlier. you can be in there at 85, 95 degrees sweating like a marathon running and you don t have to exert your heart rate or blood pressure or your lungs. so i can understand why
$52,900. so you add all of those up and you get a total of 98.6, which is the youth misery index. that is the highest it has ever been. so it s a record high. under president obama, since 2009 when he took office, the ymi has gone up 18.1%, making that the highest increase under any president. therefore, making obama the worst president for youth economic opportunity, not quite the hope and change that i think young people were wishing for. no, but they are paying attention for sure. those are scorching numbers. let me ask you about the rolling stone issue here. they said the set the bar high when they gave the boston bomber the centerfold status. they re urging millenials to fight for communism. what s your thoughts? it s absolutely ridiculous. youth, we re all told we re living in this entitlement society and that s what it s become. youth are not willing or wanting to take responsibility for their actions and for some young
minutes? yeah, that s true. there are different stages of frostbite but we worry about that in this type of weather. the reason it matters so much, our bodies, our organs only work within a narrow range of temperatures. when you get the thermometer out close to the 98.6. in this type of weather it is hard for your body to keep your whole body warm. jon: if the ex-extremities cool off, toes, fingers, ears body is prioritizing trying to keep the lung and heart warm and letting other areas get colder. sometimes you feel pain and itching. we re used to it with ears and nose in normal weather and in this weather you can get plain or blisters. if you have blisters or discoloration of those areas you want to go to the e.r. those are the second stages of profit bite. jon: you mentioned the lungs, the body trying to keep the lungs warm. the lungs are inhaling very cold air.
yes. i think that we re clearly in a strong recovery now. if you look at the inflection and data over the last couple months, it s really the best couple of months i ve seen since the great recession began. consumer confidence is soaring. auto sales jumped up to 16.4 mill dwron above the 16 million which is like the 98.6 for the economy. everything is looking good. it s that rare moment where we seem to be right on the verge of a recovery. wow. could something mess with it? oh, yeah, sure. i m very excited as well. but it s not going to be a straight line. there are two big hurdle we have to get over in the next few months. the next one is the battles here in washington over the budget. we can t go down the same path we went down in october and shut the government down. that would derail things. which, by the way, they seem united in their ability to not close it. the other hurdle is the federal reserve. so the federal reserve is going to begin pulling back on its bond buying