the information has been out for two years. and she goes on to say, the defense has not identified any case in the district where the defendant was given two years in which there were no codefendants and no ongoing pandemic. you re in the court, glenn, what was the defense s response to that? she actually called them out and said the numbers tat you gave, for example, trial took 29.4 months, she said first of all, that was from the time of indictment until the time of sentencing. these are pandemic era cases, when everything was backed up. and she said, your arguments are, quote, misleading. i m sure, you know, people would agree with me that when a judge tells you that you have put something in a legal filing that is, quote, misleading, it s kind of like a dagger to the heart. we don t take it kindly. but that s what she told the
looking for alex wagner, exactly, you would look for that. and then he would read those. you have teams doing that. the days of doing page by page review of a document production, that went out with the dodo bird. okay. the trump team and, said it s 29 points, give me 29.4, months between trial, the beginning of the trial, and the end of a trial. jack smith has taken the air of that balloon. and the classified documents involved in, this might be a problem. have you noticed, he actually today said, let other classified documents here. to me, that s because they want to get in front of the judge, so she knows how limited that issue is. they know, for both sides, the 28 is the entire ballgame. as to when the date is. they want to get in front of her what that volume. as they have already represented to her that this is a non issue. this is not gonna be, they said, we re not planning on using any classified documents in the trial. they need to turn it over, because their discovery o
this is like reading tolstoy s war and peace 78 times. reading it 78 times, and he said you know after you read it once, you don t have to read the other 77. that s the operative thing here. for a lot of people from the outside me included we do not understand you have to read every page of discovery, nor does it outrage the defense that it compromises itself by not reading every file. if you re looking for wiseman or wagner, you d like for that. but the day of doing page by page review, that went out with the dodo bird. can you give me 29.4 i think months between the beginning of
good evening, crime stats that don t include new york or l.a. is like post season baseball without yankees or dodgers, the numbers still paint a grim picture according to the fbi crime stats released wednesday. murder continues to climb up over 4% from a year ago, 22,900 murders up from 22,000 in 2020. last year s fbi murder stats saw 29.4% spike from 2019 to 2000 twenty, biggest jump in decades since start of national recordkeeping began in 1960. so last year was worse than the worst year in recorded u.s. history, looming mid-term election next month, both senate candidates made their pitch. we stopped killing and gun v violence and that has never been
plank when it came to defund the police and taking away support from the police and now police are seeing the consequence in the neighborhoods and voting how they are feeling. and the pivot of democratic candidates trying to run as fast as they can away from this, they know it s a bad topic for them. put up the fbi stats to kind of get your take on this. because this is interesting. you have this 4.3% increase in murders in 2021, and you have to take into account, it s up 24 29.4% from 2019, 2020, and katie, this does not include new york or los angeles or phoenix or a lot of other major cities that are having major crime problems. yeah, number is 4.9% going up but it s not an accurate number in any sense of the word, does not include chicago and so people are feeling this all around the country and for the left they have tried to argue they were for black lives matter, ended up being an organization that used much funding to build a real estate empire because they believed in