Who they may be. If someone was in g re nfell tower who they may be. If someone was in Grenfell Tower and they did escape and they havent made it known to the police or to their family, and they havent made it known to the police or to theirfamily, i would urge them to contact the police Casualty Bureau. I dont care the reason why you havent told us so the reason why you havent told us so far. I want to know and we all wa nt to so far. I want to know and we all want to know that you are safe and well. You have the absolute commitment of myself, the metropolitan police and all the agencies involved that as soon as we can we will recover those that have died in Grenfell Tower. We have collea g u es died in Grenfell Tower. We have colleagues in there as we speak searching for and recovering those that have died. Once they are recovered, they will be taken to the mortuary and as soon as we possibly can, we will identify them firstly to theirfamilies can, we will identify them firstly to th
The acting Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Héctor Gómez, has stated that “the growth of retail trade and the good performance of employment are indicative of the strength of our local productive fabric.” According to the Institute of National Statistics (INE)’s Retail Trade Indices (ICM), in September 2023 sales at constant retail prices registered
UK inflation remained unchanged in September after three consecutive months of declines, according to figures released on Wednesday by the Office for National Statistics.