congress to vote yes. this is a come palgs at country. this generates about $1.70 in economic activity, so even from an economic point of view this is a really good program. jennifer, you re the former governor of michigan. what will this do to people in metropolitan areas who are struggling? there is no question about what it would do, ed. i just want to give you a standing o fort starting this program so strong. i think that we should be on this program challenging every single republican member of the house who votes yes to cut this, to go on that food stamp challenge and to try to live on $4.50 a day. you raise the issue of morality. in the 25th chapter of matthew the lord says whatsoever you do unto the least of these you do unto me. i would like to see these
presidential coins. the u.s. mint is releasing chester arthur counsel, only available to collectors at a provides of 1.70. and he is known for his mention in die hard with a vengeance, die hard three, the elementary school school where zeus kids went was arthur elementary. michelle obama has been making the rounds on tv from ellen to leno and the biggest loser. kris jansing may be on assignment for olympics coverage. doesn t top you from doing the morning must read. she never takes a day off. when is a laptop not a laptop? that may depend on the tsa. check out her facebook for the newest read. find a new article every morning
it is $1.70. not everybody can have the record of obama and get a thrill up your leg every time he speaks. doesn t it bother you the way he is peeking about educated women that patriots that have served their country well and disparaging them in ways. how about if that was your father and you hear him talking about women like that. what kind of message is he sending and how you is that close to any sort of journalistic standards to speak about someone else like that and mock them on television. sean: and this goes to the democratic party, leslie. i do appreciate your remarks and i don t want anybody silenced. i m not going to cancel my hbo subscription because of bill maher. but the president how does he with a straight face lecture the country and talk about his daughters and civility and tone and the coarseness in the country and then take a million
so called well respected but does have a thrill up his leg, chris matthews. hip know i think sarah palin has proven herself to be profoundly stupid. her inability to answer the questions of katie couric and to explain that she read anything and this person and you have to use the word balloon head said that we had slavery eradicated in the days of the founding fathers. people like that should not be in politics. they didn t go to first grade in history. what is this person doing on the national stage? go home to grade school. start around third and you might be able to catch up with the class. sean: every conservative isn t as intelligent as barack obama and can t accumulate $5 trillion in debt and raise gas prices to $4 a gallon when it is $1.70.
so called well respected but does have a thrill up his leg, chris matthews. hip know i think sarah palin has proven herself to be profoundly stupid. her inability to answer the questions of katie couric and to explain that she read anything and this person and you have to use the word balloon head said that we had slavery eradicated in the days of the founding fathers. people like that should not be in politics. they didn t go to first grade in history. what is this person doing on the national stage? go home to grade school. start around third and you might be able to catch up with the class. sean: every conservative isn t as intelligent as barack obama and can t accumulate $5 trillion in debt and raise gas prices to $4 a gallon when it is $1.70.