should look at the real fax. are they protesting the president or the flag and the anthem? i don t think they really know in some ways whether they are doing one or the other. i think they are conflating two when think are not. the president who didn t lose his right to his first amendment, his right to speak out. gave his opion. that s it. he is the president. he is also elect and sworn to uphold the constitution, defend the flag of the united states. so, of course, any president would or should feel that level of why not respect the flag. they are protesting the president because it s become a left, right issue. by the way whether all protesters are black or not or kneelers is black or not is irrelevant again. they chose the president never used race, never used color. they injected color just the way chris did. ainsley: thank you so much, david, for being here this morning. great to see you. ainsley: an island is in crisis. puerto rico is running out of key supplies like food
brian: fox news alert. get this murder in god s house. gunman opening fire as people left church outside nashville, tennessee. the suspect identified as emanuel samson, an immigrant from sudan. ainsley: he is accused of killing one woman and hurting six others it could have been a lot worse if it wasn t for that armed usher his name is caleb ingle. he confronted the gunman. steve: he held the suspect at gunpoint until the cops arrived. the gunman is facing murder charges, a civil rights investigation is underway. let s bring in dan bongino a former secret service guy. he was a cop here in new york city and the author of protecting the president, an inside account of the troubled secret service in an era of evolving threats. it just came out last week. thank you for joining us
teams wind up with the same sweetheart deals and subsidies? yes. good question. i was intrigued to see that treasury secretary weighed in on this. the treasury secretary here s a man who is dealing with money. that s what he does, taxpayer money. he says the nfl should have a rule to stand in respect for the national anthem. the players have the right to a first amendment on the field off the field. this is a job. the employers have the right when the players are working to have rules. so he is backing up the president. and this is the treasury secretary. brian: he was asked that yesterday. both on record. stuart, we will see you from 9:00 to noon on the fox business channel. that s correct. i will see you. ainsley: thank you, stuart. fonelert new dails about the gunn charged with murder in that horrific church shooting in tennessee much the hero who stped his rampage. a live report at the top of the hour. steve: plus the island of puerto rico absolutely leveled by hurricane mari
for our flag. 80s ainsley when we interview people who have lost their legs or fought or our great country overseas and you see our players taking a knee during the national anthem. that s what many americans find offense to. it is not the individuals taking a fleevment most of them are amazing people they have done great things. they have taken care of their families. they are excited about the money they have made and share it with other people. it is nothing about their character when it comes to those types of things. it s just the platform of where they are trying to do it. it is just because my two grand fathers fought in world war ii. my father gave up one weekend every month to go serve in the army reserves for 20 years. and two weeks every summer and would drive two hours to go and do that. that s what i take offense to. it s just the platform. it s during the national anthem. if you want to do it, go down and the president should sit with these nfl players and talk to them
predominantly pro-sports leagues should be just happy with what they have and not complain, you are doing it by accident. you really believe it your thoughts? it s dishonest. what does the fact that the owners happen to be white have to do with the issue even where capner nic started one season ago. it s about economic power. michael jordan owns an nba team he has the economic ability to buy that team there are plenty of black millionaires and frankly billionaires in this country. if they wanted to they could buy a team. is he injecting rac where race isn t the issue. he just needs it to be there. ainsley:hat did you think about some players yesterday taking a knee. there is a bit of a mob mentality with that in my opinion there are players who have this belief or this protest that they want to exhibit on that stage. i disagree with where they do it. their right to do it is not in question. if 150 or so players decide