This is thE ingraham anglE. Thank you, as always For joining us tonight. Ght,is. ThE SEcrEt SErvicE is not conFidEnt it can protEctE ar trump wE arE not capitalizing s. A crisi wE arE showing thE math. WE havE FinitE rEsourcEs schoo showing thE math. Plus, a Cnn REportElEr by AEo Trump SupportEr can aFFord to votg soE. NEy an yourE not hurting so bad, right . BEcausE a votE plus a lot and its a lot oF upkEEp. Nobody gavE mE. I EarnEdE EvErything that ivE got. That Trump VotEr joins us innt . MomEnts. And whos rEally running i . VErnmEnt i likE to turn it ovEr to jill and For any CommEnt Sh E has and its all Yours, kid. E ul whErEs thE visiting angEl . But First, thE ultimatnsult,E. Thats thE Focus oF Tonights AnglE G. Bor dE givEn thE FailurEs oF kamaa harris Economic bordEr rEcord, hEr PrEss TEam is lEFt with rEcyclEd linEs From 2016 and 2020. Donaly God Trump is vEry goot insulting pEoplE. Donald trump sticks to th EthE rE samE old tirEd playbook oF insultsal. But thE rEal insults co
All right. Hey. All r yeahig, right now its, just me. Its me and you. Happy thursday, everyone. Y by now, yoU Probably saw a great interview with donaldr trump. Amazing, right . Grea. Right after the Show felt like i a hezbollah fighter, my phone was blowing up fel that that. But its true. In lebanon, thousands of pages and phones exploded, killings dozens of terrorists. We reached out to hezbollah leaders, but they haventhezbol returned our callsla. So President Trump was a huge hIt On the Show last night. My favorite part, of course, was the Secret Service down. H turns out i was happy to see them. Now, weve officially asked kamala to appear on our Show. Weve already promised a boxised of wine for her and an assortment of nannies for her husban boxd. Theyll probably abort it. Oh abort, the Show. No, im talking about the Show. A all right. A chinese Zoo Admittedin that their Pandaseir Pa actually painted dognds. They got the idea for a Makeup Artist at. Ide The View in your face. Rapp
I woke up to hannity and tonight, Donald Trump on long Islanan D in New York. Nd oh, My Old Stomping Grounds for a mass rally. G as supporters. They waited as long as 24 hours to get a spot inside the arena. Reports are anywhere from 60 to 80000 people wanted to get in and the arena does not hold that Manget Ina Y. Bad news for democrats in New York who are facing an increasing competitive competi political landscape, especially in Long Island and meanwhile, more Bad News for democrats nationwide. Enthusiasm for. S Kamala Harris is collapsing. Take a look. Tay is in Everytauranp Single Restaurant of the people willing to talk to us, wi only find one harrisonly F Supporter in every restaurant. And werris left no Stone Unturne i approached Everyry1 Gu single person except for this one guy who i think had too many drinks at the bar. Ibut are really excited about trump. What you just saw was noted backed up by a lot of polls. Y Kamala Harris is 25 Points5 Pn Underwater among independents,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I my haircut. Happy tuesday, everyOne. Scientists have discovered whaT They call a third state of existence, somewhere between life , death. No kidding. Democrats to the secOnd AssassinatiOn Attempt On trump by turning down the rhetoricp by by comparing the former presidenT To mussolini in a rare sign of unity, Maxine Waters has offered a schedule. F is nexT Tee time. The biden administratiOn has promised to beef un P Securityem for President Trump using the same agents that Protectsame Kamala from reporters. A neighbor of the accused gunman says the family was weird and kept alive hoarse theiR Home. Further proof thaT The Suspect Ughter ] unstable. Gre its okay to boo that One. I felT The same way and investigated. Immigr the immigrant crisis in springfield, ohio, reveals that autringfielohioo accidents have increased four fold. I didnt know the haitians were all women. Both sexes would say. Rfk jr is being investigated for Allegedl Iy cutti
Have you . You you wIll all be mIne tonIght. Happy monday, everyone. Okay. Democrats supporter IdentIfIed as ryan ruth was arrested for tryIng to assassInat aree Donals Trump on a Golf Course. ,whatever happenedsa. AskIng If you can playough through It seems IT Would be assassIn was able to gett jut just a few hundred yards away from trump. Apparently the shooter found the only Golf Course wIth a Slanted Sand Tra tp. Too soon. As You Know, thIs Is the second tIme trump has survIved multIple You K shots and accordr to an expert, hell just need for more lIke that. ImmedIately, pundIts trIed to blame It On trumps rhetorIec regardIng sprIngfIeld, ohIo, but the accused shooter wasntsh. We know thIs because he wasnt eatIng a Cate Accur W now youre loosenIng up. He needed a catch to get started. Of course, the medIa claIms the motIve cats of the Trump Hag Suspect are unknown. But thIs Is stranghee. Hares campaIgn has already asked hIm to moderate the next debate Is stra. Thankfully, the would