झारखंड में विकास को गति देने के लिए नई नीतियां बनाई जा रही हैं. पूर्व की नीतियों में आवश्यकतानुसार संशोधन भी किया जा रहा है. झारखण्ड औद्योगिक एवं निवेश प्रोत्साहन नीति, 2021 लागू की गई है, जो अगले 5 वर्षों तक प्रभावी रहेगी. यह नीति मील का पत्थर साबित होगी. | Happy Independence Day, रांची न्यूज : झारखंड के सीएम हेमंत सोरेन ने 75वें स्वतंत्रता दिवस के मौके पर रांची के मोरहाबादी मैदान में आयोजित मुख्य समारोह
India@75: President Ram Nath Kovind to address nation today on eve of 75th Independence Day - This year, the Central Government, to commemorate 75 years of India's Independence, also launched an initiative called 'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav'.
The broadcast of the address in Hindi and English on Doordarshan will be followed by broadcast in regional languages by regional channels of the channel.
As India celebrates its 75th Independence Day on August 15, we have Femina honouring the brave women of our country. These women serve in the navy, army, and air force and defend the country at the border. These women protect and defend the country at the borders and near the ocean. They risk their lives so that the country Can live in peace. The brave men and women of our
8 personnel have been awarded the PMG for gallant act, meticulous planning and tactical insightfulness and for defending the motherland in Galwan Nalla on June 15, 2020.