India s wholesale price-based inflation rose to 14.23 per cent in November, the highest level in 12 years, due to a sharp jump in the prices of oil, basic metals, and food products.
debris, the water coming up, we re actually on a raised flat form. the real story is what s happening in the st. john s river. in the 1960s, you remember a hurricane by the name of dora. dora brought record storm surge. guess what, that s past. this is present. this is history in the making. the numbers we have now, last i heard was 4.23. that was the official. look at it now, we re up higher than that. we re going to hurry up and give you a better shot. i promise you, 24 to 48 hours ago we were able to walk to the banks of the st. john s river. that is not happening now. look at the white caps. look to the swells off in the difference. one thing you might see on the right there, willie, a shrimp boat. that was taken into this river for safe harbor. you can only imagine what the
me grief. falling rates for now after rising a full percentage rate, mortgage rates are slipping back to 4%. rate on the 30-year fixed loan, 4.23%. the 15-year, a popular refinancing tool. 3.33%. now, lower rates mean more money in your pocket. a $200,000 loan at 4.23% carries a mortgage payment of $982. at 4.5%, it is more than $1,000. interestingly, the return of low mortgage rates has not meant more refinancing or more home sales yet. almost 50 million american adults are smokers. that is 19% of the population. almost one in five. the leading cause of preventible death. which company is snubbing smokers? give me 60 seconds on the clock.
look, in the cnn poll revealing. if you look at it the president s approval on the economy, 42/57. he s upside down. in march of 09 it was 59/40. on foreign affairs it s 44/54. march 09 it was 66/28. handling the budget deficit, 34/64. we have one-third of the people. terrorism where he still has a positive number 52/45 down from 61/35 when he came into office. this is not good numbers. here s the most damaging one. this is really troubling if you re in the west wing of the white house tonight. honest and trustworthy. 49/50, the president is now upside down on being seen as honest and trustworthy. by example, just after he got sworn in he was 74/23.
look, in the cnn poll revealing. if you look at it the president s approval on the economy, 42/57. he s upside down. in march of 09 it was 59/40. on foreign affairs it s 44/54. march 09 it was 66/28. handling the budget deficit, 34/64. we have one-third of the people. terrorism where he still has a positive number 52/45 down from 61/35 when he came into office. this is not good numbers. here s the most damaging one. this is really troubling if you re in the west wing of the white house tonight. honest and trustworthy. 49/50, the president is now upside down on being seen as honest and trustworthy. by example, just after he got sworn in he was 74/23.