wander and to wonder in this life, to still have a child-like sense of the possible. and i this we ve lost that. and think what i m saying to people is, is that you ve got to get back in touch with you. because a happy mika, a happy sofia and a happy katty, means everything else in our life is happier. spouses, children, our relationships are richer because we re fulfilled and most of us just are not. we just drudge along, we re exhausted, we re tired, and we just accept our fate in life and we have to stop that. sofia nelson, thank you so much. the new book is be the one you need, 21 life lessons i learned taking care of everyone but me. and she has a new piece about the book up on know your value.com right now. and katty kay, thank you as well. starting super early this morning. we really appreciate it. it is now the top of our fourth hour of morning joe. 9:00 a.m. on the east coast, 6:00 a.m. out west. we have at lot to get to this hour including the last-minute he
liberate you soon. if you drive to new york city and see every restaurant is packed and every coffee shop is packed, every broadway play is packed and every sporting events is packed and every nightclub is packed, every consent is back but drive up and down 6th avenue, talking about 6th avenue freeze out. people are walking outside, just nobody is working inside. because oh, we could get covid. oh, but hold on. wait a second. can i call you back. i have to go to the gym. don t know. and you should see alex and tj at the nightclub. they re up in champagne in the vip rooms. and in this shot they look like defendants in a war crimes trial, don t they. at the hague. in those plastic boxes. but they re staying safe in there and i respect them. they are staying safe. i respect you guys. i respect you guys. it is safe in there.