of his price hike and over-the-top persona. steve sedgwick joins us live. it s interesting, his first interview the wall street journal he said it s nothing to do with illegalities or ponzi schemes as the sec and others have said, the fbi have ban cuesing him of a securities fraud trifecta of lies, deceit and greed, their words. he says no, it s about my persona and about the fact i had 50 times price rise on darari and others drugs. oil prices stabilizing today hitting the lowest levels on brent the lowest since 2004. last year the average price was $3.37 a gallon. this year the average price is $2.48 and prices are down as low as $2.06 per gallon. back to you, shiba. thank you, a check on the other head lines and for that we head to the control room and
so apparently it s taking place effective immediately. and the paperwork, everything will be updated accordingly. an interesting point, the navy, army and marine corps allow their members to all omit so help me god in their oaths. this will spark more questions of, so we have in god we trust printed on our money. when presidents or presidents-elect take the oath of office, they usually say so help me god, although or, yes. although it is not in the actual oath itself. that s something that presidential-elects and re-elects choose to do. an interesting phrase, interesting topic there. so gas prices, they are low. they are heading lower. in fact, the national average is $3.37 a gallon. that s the lowest price for this season in four years. gasbuddy.com says gas could fall below $3 a gallon in many states in the next few weeks. the shale oil boom has pushed down oil prices and gas prices as well.
ladies, back to you. thank you so much lauren simonetti. the time is 11 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up would you let a teacher spank your child so hard it will make a mark? this will actually help parents one lawmaker says. how rescuers saved a woman and her dog trapped at the bottom of that hole. as we go to the break the new national average of gas is $3.37. it says here that a won s sex drive increases at the age of 80.
been struggling with, they need water to feed their cows and grow alphafa. you might end up feeling the price increase in terms of milk. a growing international demand for cheese, specially in cases like china. they have had their own problems about dairy because of high feed costs, weather problems and they have been importing more from the u.s. that could lead to higher prices. in terms of gas prices, this usually happens around this time of year every single year. the current average is $3.37. after the 50 cent increase, it could go up to 3.87. you have refineries switching over to summer blend gasoline, more expensive and more ecofriendly. it burns cleaner. sometimes they have to close down temporarily to switch over and that can affect prices. lastly, crude oil is also a factor. crude oil harboring roughly around $100 a barrel.
high unemployment, high taxes and high gas prices are to blame. but don t worry about that last one. gas prices have fallen by $0.06 in the past week mainly because designers are over producing. if you are filling up this morning expect to pay $3 $3.55 a gallon. the government says next year drivers will pay an average $3.37 that is the lowest since 2010. apple will reportedly unveil the new iphone we have been waiting for it on september 10th. it is expected to look like the current iphone 5 but you have to add a finger print reader for security and a better camera. arch rival samsung may be filling out this one reportedly releasing the galaxy smart phone the week before. everyone uses their cell phone to take pictures now anyways instead of making calls. i went on vacation no one had