of his price hike and over-the-top persona. steve sedgwick joins us live. >> it's interesting, his first interview the "wall street journal" he said it's nothing to do with illegalities or ponzi schemes as the sec and others have said, the fbi have ban cuesing him of a securities fraud trifecta of lies, deceit and greed, their words. he says no, it's about my persona and about the fact i had 50 times price rise on darari and others drugs. oil prices stabilizing today hitting the lowest levels on brent the lowest since 2004. last year the average price was $3.37 a gallon. this year the average price is $2.48 and prices are down as low as $2.06 per gallon. back to you, shiba. thank you, a check on the other head lines and for that we head to the control room and