Daniel 1st we heard about a young man like a teenager who wouldn t eat the food that God told his people not to eat that s the 1st of many decisions that he made that could have cost him his life on through the Bible we hear about another choice that Daniel makes now as an old man Dr j. Vernon McGee is our teacher and we re headed into one of the most familiar stories of the Bible remember when you 1st heard about Daniel and the lion s den I m Steve what s your host on this 5 year journey through God s entire word now I bet you know the highlights of this famous story but today let s listen for the lessons that bring the spiritual application into our lives today as Dr McGee will show us Daniel s testimony is so much more than just a children s story in fact on a number of occasions Dr McGee has challenged us to go deeper in our Bible study here is to encourage us again. And I d like to begin this day with a little poem that a friend of mine a Canadian by the name of wall that I met d