Brands like Samsung, Realme, Redmi, Infinix, Motorola and Poco offer a few of the best 5G smartphones in India under Rs 15,000. Top 5G phones under 15,000 in India include Infinix Hot 30 5G, Vivo T2x, Redmi 11 5G, Samsung Galaxy F14 5G, Samsung Galaxy M14 5G, Poco X5 5G, iQOO Z6 Lite and Moto G32 5G. Here are the price, specs, and features of the best 5G smartphones under Rs 15,000 in India.
Market research firm Counterpoint has observed that India's 5G smartphone shipments will exceed that of 4G shipments by the end of next year, driven by the mass adoption of the high-speed network and the rise in sale of handsets in the lower-price bands, said a Reuters report.