withdrawal has been going on since april 14th when the president announced it. i wasn t pushing back. i just wanted to make it clear that we hadn t pushed some button and said go retrograde now. we still have on the ground about 5400 of the 5800 that reached at the maximum and the admiral has the authority to manage in a prudent way his force management on the ground. i haven t gone to the phones. i want to make sure i don t forget that. jeff. thank you very much. from talking to military groups, it is evident that the taliban are still blocking afghans from gaining entrance to the international airport and even when afghans make it onto the airport there have been instances they have been escorted off due to paperwork
Organisée depuis plus de vingt ans par l’association Festi’Bleu, en partenariat avec le Syndicat interprofessionnel régional du bleu d’Auvergne, qui gère l’AOP, la Fête du bleu revient à Riom-ès-Montagnes pour deux jours en l’honneur de ce fromage, produit principalement dans le Cantal et le Puy-de-Dôme. Rencontre avec un producteur fermier cantalien, Alain André, qui a ouvert les portes de son exploitation.