is he still cheaper at $3 a dozen. ainsley: what were they before inflation? oh my gosh like a year and a half ago? for 5 dozen i was paying $2.42 for five dozen of them. did you have to increase your prices on your cakes? yeah. we did go up. i m trying not to because everything else just keeps going up. so i m trying my best. finding other ways to cut my costs. ainsley: your cakes are beautiful. so what is your message to rylen? how has he helped your business. is he saving me some money and helping and i love helping him so thank you so much, rylen. ainsley: rylen, what do you say? thank you for making me money. [laughter] every got a lot of money in your pocket and you are such a smart young man to be doing. this what grade are you in? fifth. ainsley: do you have school today? yes. ainsley: what time do you go in? as soon as this ois over. ainsley: thank you for waking up with us. what do you want to be when you
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], February 6 (ANI/PNN): Wardwizard Innovations & Mobility Limited (BSE Code: 538970), a leading auto manufacturing company in the EV segment, has announced its unaudited Financial Results for the Q3& 9M FY23.
only outnumber those that approve but those that strongly dislike him are 2 to 1 against president biden s performance. and then we ignore what the democrats are ignoring, we have 8.5% growth in inflation in july year-over-year. when president biden came into office it was 1.2%. gasoline yesterday for all formulations according to the u.s. department of energy was $4.09. $2.42 when biden was inaugurated as president. these are the things that will drive the ballot. the democrats are ignoring it and assuming it is all going to be about abortion and the bills that the president just signed on chips, semi conductors or the inflation reduction act. which won t reduce inflation. nobody says it will reduce inflation. democrats are in slightly better place today than they were a month or two ago.
living through today, karl. this is not a governing plan, but a communications program and absolutely right. think about this. profits of the oil companies are measured by dollars were higher in the obama years than they are today. and the profit margins, to say the difference between what they bring in sales and what it costs them to operate, is much lower than, say, a bunch of the tech companies. facebook, meta, google, you name it. you know, the margins in the oil business, particularly in refineries is very small compared to the tech firms. why is the administration not out talking about the companies that have bigger profits and bigger profit margins than the oil companies, because they are trying to distract us. i thought this was really amazing. the president said that you know, the gas prices were not his fault, that it was all putin s fault. gas was 2.42 when he took office, a year later 3.61 cents,
energy. when you left the average rice avgas around the country was $2.42 a gallon. we are now setting record high after record high in terms of a gallon of gasoline. you made a good point you put all these policies in place, th alberta premier said we would b literally 900,000 of canadian oil by now w would be flowing i our country every day which would be a good deal for americ at this point. we wouldn t need toport oil as joe did last year, but i wan to get into what the solution is . they wont even consider going back to and adopting your successful policies, mr. president, the bloomberg came out with an estimate that the average american household is going to pay $5,200 a year i biden s inflation tax, the poor