david patterson ripping new york city officials. there are other people out on the street who are homeless. they have problems, too. we are witnessing history tonight. breaking the record for the most grammy wins of all time beyonce. god bless you. thank you so much. people keep on dying. brian: hey, the grammys were last night. it s a time for music to salute music. move sessions to salute other musicians. they seem to pick the same person every single time. do you notice it s all about beyonce, beyonce. how can you be getting this is chris stapleton by the way. is he more country music. he sounds more bliewzy. ainsley: performing with stevie wonder. i don t think he should be labeled country. i think he is a more blues. pete: there is a lot of creditor reason. brian: i listened to his book on tape. pete: i woke up to one text from my wife to prepare for the show and she said the grammys 50th anniversary of hip hop was off the charts awesome. bria
is he still cheaper at $3 a dozen. ainsley: what were they before inflation? oh my gosh like a year and a half ago? for 5 dozen i was paying $2.42 for five dozen of them. did you have to increase your prices on your cakes? yeah. we did go up. i m trying not to because everything else just keeps going up. so i m trying my best. finding other ways to cut my costs. ainsley: your cakes are beautiful. so what is your message to rylen? how has he helped your business. is he saving me some money and helping and i love helping him so thank you so much, rylen. ainsley: rylen, what do you say? thank you for making me money. [laughter] every got a lot of money in your pocket and you are such a smart young man to be doing. this what grade are you in? fifth. ainsley: do you have school today? yes. ainsley: what time do you go in? as soon as this ois over. ainsley: thank you for waking up with us. what do you want to be when you
ainsley: with eggsflation living millions of americans feeling delved sunny side up for a young entrepreneur. an 11-year-old in north carolina is supplying a local bakery owner for fresh farm eggs for a batter price than baying in the grocery store. joining us with sweet anna bakery s owner courtney johnson. good morning to both of you. good morning. courtney, you own this bakery. you have been baking cakes for rye rylen s family. you knew the family so you are seeing prices go up for sugar and for every ingredient basically that you put in your cake including eggs. so what happened? he had posted that rylen had some eggs and the egg prices just kept going up every week and i couldn t do it anymore. i reached out and said i will take as many as you can give me.
ainsley: rylen, your family has a coop. how many chickens do you have. 21. ainsley: how many eggs do they produce a day? 18 to 19. ainsley: that s amazing. how did you come up with this idea to start your business? it all came from us just going to the sale one day and then after we had enough hens then we started getting too many eggs. we came up with the bright idea to start selling them. ainsley: your dad posted something on social media and courtney saw it? what do your friends say about this? you are an entrepreneur at 11 years old. they think it s [inaudible] 11-year-olds to be on the news and being an entrepreneur. ainsley: yeah. you are famous now. courtney, what were you paying for eggs at the grocery store and what are you paying when you buy them from rylen, the highest is $6 to $7 a dozen. they have started to come down.