try to steal the election from the people. they say they re coming out of nowhere. what s important is that we know that these races are really close. we know that the scott nelson race is within that 0.25 margin you were talking about where it should trigger a hand recount. and we know that the nelson i m sorry. the gillum/desantis race is within that 0.5 margin. but we don t initially know that yet. that s when the automatic recounts in both of those races will be triggered. that s when that process will actually start to be started. thank you so much. let s head up to georgia where votes are still being counted in the race for governor that is too close to call this morning. republican brian kemp is leading stacy abrams with 50.3% of total votes. but if his share drops below 50%, it would trigger a runoff
nbc s morgan ratford. millions of georgia voters are trying to wait to see who their next governor will be. between kemp and democratic abrams. that s a polling of 50.3 versus 7. you need more than 50% of the vote to be named governor. kemp says, look, we already won. his point is he would still be victorious. he s also said he s going to resign effect yesterday as secretary of state so he will no longer oversea these elections. stacy abrams, she is still in
getting intense. brian kemp had over 50% of the vote. democrats, stacey abrams, says there could be enough uncounted vote to bring kemp below the 50% mark which would trigger a run-off election. president trump weighed in on this. kemp won a great race and won and it is time to move on. steve is back. steve cornacki is going to take a look at georgia for us. a couple of pieces for us here. like you said kemp sitting at 50.3. if that number falls below 50. now you are in run-off territory. there are 21,000 provisional ballots around the state. the provisional ballots tend to wait overwhelmingly democrats. even if you give abrams that
even though votes are still being counted, they say based on votes released by the secretary of state s office, brian kemp, whose margin is so large that the margin of provisional ballots will not change his victory. it is mathematically impossible for stacey abrams to win for force a run off election. abrams is considering legal action. we should say here at cnn we have yet to declare a winner. brian kemp has 50.3% of the vote. you have heard that statement there. they don t think there is enough votes on abrams side. she begs to differ. she thinks she has enough provisional ballots and absentee ballots to force a run off. the counties have until november 15th to submit their tallies. there are tens of thousands of ballots still not counted? i mean, does that that is what abrams is basing her argument on, correct? well, that s what abrams is saying.
take a look at those numbers. brian kemp is 62,000 votes ahead of stacey abrams. that s a significant gap there, that 1.6%. that is a significant gap. but what you hear the abrams campaign doing here is saying we don t know the total universe of outstanding votes yet. and until you know that total universe and they are counted, you don t know if that 50.3% drops in kemp s total to something less than 50% plus one. because as you just said, brooke, that s the key that triggers a runoff race. if brian kemp gets below 50% plus one, there s a december 4th runoff. that s the rule in georgia. i know brian kemp was out there, he resigned his office, he s trying to express confidence there s nothing to see here and he s moving on with the transition, but until you know the total universe of outstanding vote and what that