vehicles from school busses to automobiles and we ll reward companies for paying good wages and for getting materials for their products from right here in america and america exporting and providing the rest of the world with these technologies that are generated here in the united states as we go green around the world. it also makes historic investments in environmental cleanup and remediation and it builds up our resilience against super storms and droughts and wildfires, hurricanes and you ve heard me say it again and i apologize for repeating myself, but $99 billion in losses last year because of climate crises in america. $99 billion it costs the taxpayers in america. it represents a blinking red code out there for our nation. vice president harris and i look forward to having a formal signing ceremony for this bipartisan infrastructure soon. i m not doing it this weekend
vehicles, from school buses to automobiles, and we ll reward companies for paying good wages and for getting materials for their products from rice here in america, and america exporting and providing the rest of the world with these technologies who are generated here in the united states as we go green around the world. it also makes historic investments in environmental cleanup and remediation. it builds up our resilience against super storms and drought s and wildfire, hurricane s. you ve heard me say it again, i apologize for repeating myself, but $99 billion in losses last year, because of climate crisis. in america. $99 billion it cost the taxpayer s in america. it represents a blinking red code out there for our nation. vice president harris and i look forward to having a formal signing ceremony for this bipartisan infrastructure soon, because i m
wells and gas well, oil and gas wells, that need to be capped because they are leaking things that hurt the air. putting a stop to the methane leaks and the pipelines, protect the health of the our communities. it s a big deal, and we ll build up our resilience for the next upstorm, drought, wildfires and hurricanes that indicate a blinking code red for america and the world. last year alone these types of extreme weather events you ve all been covering and you ve all wnsz and some of you have been caught in the middle of have caused 99 billion in damage to the united states in the last several years, $99 billion. we re not spending any money to deal with this? it s costing us significantly, and i met in pittsburgh i met
abandoned wells and gas wells that need to be capped because they are leaking things that hurt the air. putting a stop to the methane leaks and pipelines. protecting the health of our communities. it is a big deal and we ll build up our resilience for the next superstorm, drought, wildfires and hurricanes that represent a blinking code red for america world. last year alone, these types of extreme weather events you ve all been covering an eval witnessed some of you have been caught in the middle of have caused $99 billion in damage the united states in the last year. $99 billion. and we are not spending money to deal with this? it is costing us significantly.
gas wells. they need to be capped because they re leaking things that hurt the air. protecting the health of the communities, it s a big deal, and it will build up our resilience for the next super storm, wildfire, drought, that represent a blinking code red for america and the world. last year alone, these types of extreme weather event that s we have been covering and caught in the middle of, they have cost 99 billion in damage in the last year. 99 billion dollars. we re not spending any money to deal with this? it is costing us significantly in pittsburgh i met a guy who